Rumor has it

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I heard Jimmy Fallon's voice from the other side of the curtain. There were only a few minutes left until Robert and I'd join him.

"Are you okay?", Robert asked and softly stroke my shoulder.

I looked up to his magnificent eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I replied happily and realized I wasn't even nervous anymore.

He was magical!

"If it makes you feel better", he added smirkingly, "You look absolutely gorgeous, honey."

I smiled and stood up on tip toes to kiss his cute nose.

"I can only give that compliment back to you", I whispered regarding him closer. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a white shirt and a light blue bow tie. His black already greying hair and his also greying three- day stubble made him look irresistible hot.

"Ladies and gentlemen", Jimmy announced, "Please welcome Mr. Robert Downey Jr. and Nina Dobrev!"

The audience applauded. The curtain opened and allowed us to enter.

Robert moved first. He waved at the guests. I followed him and waved at them, too.

Suddenly, he gently laid his arm around my waist and pointed at me, presenting me like Steve Jobs has presented the new iPhones.

I giggled and did my best not to blush.

Then we walked over to Jimmy and sat down on the couch next to him.

"These people are nuts", Robert mumbled jokingly.

Immediately, Jimmy and I started to laugh.

"I'm so excited", Jimmy finally said, "Great to have you here!"

"Well, we're glad to be here", Robert retorted easily.

"If I'm not mistaking, this is actually your first time on the show, right?", Jimmy asked him.

"True that!"

"Well, we already had the pleasure of meeting", Jimmy said to me.

I smiled at him.

"Yeah, it was about a year ago, right?", I remembered.

"How time flies!", he replied, "And now you're back to promote your latest movie called 'Love at first sight'!"

The audience applauded.

I tied my hair back tightly and looked at Robert. He seemed to be relaxed at all.

"Maybe we could have a sneak peak at the trailer?", Jimmy suggested.

"Sure, why not?", Robert replied and leaned back softly laying his arm around my shoulder. Then he looked at me.

Gosh, how wonderful he was! And his eyes... I could simply stare at his eyes all day long because they were so fascinating.

Suddenly, the audience applauded again.

The trailer must have been over.

"Ok, I just have to ask you", Jimmy continued, "What was shooting with Robert like?"

Immediately, Robert started to laugh.

"I guess, it was quite difficult", he answered instead, "I'm a complicated man..."

I laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.

"It was quite intimidating at first", I answered, "I mean, he's Robert Downey Jr. He's Iron Man!"

Again, the audience as well as Robert and Jimmy started to laugh.

"Like I said", Robert added jokingly, "I'm difficult to handle."

I joined their laughter.

"So, how did you two meet?", Jimmy asked.

Robert and I stared at each other.

"Go, tell him, honey", Robert countered and leaned back smiling.

"Well, it was our first day on set when I met Robert. He walked over to me and said 'Hi, I'm Robert but I guess you already knew that'", I explained and tried to impersonate him.

Robert's eyes crinkled as he started to laugh.

"And all I thought was 'Man, that's what I call self confident'!"

Jimmy bursted into laughter.

"Jesus, you two are absolutely great together", he added.

"That's what I hope", Robert retorted and softly stroke my shoulder.

This time I couldn't hide I was blushing.

"Ok, after watching you tonight I just have to ask you this question...", Jimmy said, "There are rumors about you two dating. Is that true? After regarding you closely, you already seem like an old happy couple..."

I caught a glimpse of Robert smirking at me.

"Well, that's the thing about rumors", Robert replied jokingly, "You never know..."

Jimmy seemed to be disappointed. I was surprised about Robert's reaction. But that was okay for me.

"Thanks for being on the show tonight", Jimmy said goodbye as we stood up.

"Thanks for having us", Robert retorted.

"Nina Dobrev and Robert Downey Jr!", Jimmy repeated as we walked off.

But suddenly, Robert grabbed my waist, turned me around, put me over his knees and kissed me.

For a second, I was too overwhelmed to react. What has just happened?

But when I realized what was going on, I buried my fingers in his dark hair and kissed him right back.

"Proof enough?", Robert asked sarcastically and faced Jimmy again.

I giggled and grabbed his hand as we finally walked off.

"I love you", I whispered scarcely audible and softly kissed his cheek.

"I love you, too", he whispered back and gently kissed my forehead. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer towards him as I laid down my head on his shoulder.

Behind The Scenes [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now