Ready? And action!

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I looked at the clock. Time was going by way too slow.

Today was the first day of shooting. I was still absolutely overwhelmed by the fact that I got the role. Acting next to some of the greatest actors and actresses of our time like James Spader, Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jr. gave me the strange feeling that I was not the right choice for this movie. Definitely!

I still remember seeing Robert in Iron Man and Jesus! He was amazing. No one would have thought of him being on top again after his difficult past. Me neither. But he was great and even more than great. I couldn't find any words to describe his talent. And by the way, he was not only a very talented and gifted actor. No, he was also very good looking what intimidated me quite a lot. So, acting right next to him was a real honor.

"Ok, everybody", Todd Phillips interrupted my thoughts, "We'll start with the Diner scene!"

That was my part, I realized.

"Robert, Nina?", he asked, "Please, come over here."

Nervously, I walked over to him when suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

I turned around and saw right into his beautiful brown, golden sparkled, eyes.

"Hi, I'm Robert", he introduced himself, "But I guess you already knew that."

Wow! That's what I call self confident.

"I'm Nina", I said quietly.

"I'm sure we'll do great work together", he predicted with a little smirk on his lips.

I couldn't help but smile. He was charming in his own but special way and I caught myself liking him.

"Looking forward to it", I admitted with a smile.

"Ok, Rob?", Todd interrupted us, "You'll sit at that table and Nina, you know what to do, right?"

I nodded.

"Great! Than everyone..."

Robert gave me a little smile before entering the set and taking place at the table.

I took a deep breath before I walked over to find my place at the counter.

"And... Action!"

I grabbed the tablet with two cups of coffee, took a deep breath again and walked right towards Robert who was sitting at the table.

"No, listen!", he shouted at the phone in his hand, "That's not what I told you! I told you to..."

He raised his hand and hit the tablet perfectly to pour all the coffee right over my costume. I stumbled and fell down.

Luckily, it wasn't real hot coffee.

I followed the script, trying to collect everything I've just thrown up. When suddenly Robert kneed down right next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry", he apologized with a soft and calm voice, "I was distracted, I didn't mean to..."

Our hands touched and we looked at each other in a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry", he whispered again, "I was terribly rude. I'm Nathan."

He offered me his hand.

"That's ok", I said fascinated by his talent and still a little lost in his breathtaking eyes, "I'm Elena."

"Nice to meet you, Elena", he said with his typical smirk.

"Cut!", Todd shouted.

I realized Robert and I were still staring at each other. His eyes really fascinated me.

"Cut!", Todd repeated and brought us right back to reality.

Robert stood up and offered me his hand again.

Thankful, I grabbed it and he helped me getting up.

"That was great", Todd said, "Really! I think we got it!"

I smiled happily. His words somehow convinced me I was actually the right choice.

"Yeah, Nina was great", Robert agreed giving my some kind of sexy look.

I felt the blood rushing towards my cheeks.

"Thank you", I whispered grateful but embarrassed at the same time, putting one of my dark brown curls behind my ear.

"Ok, everyone! Let's have a break for fifteen minutes!", Todd announced and left.

Behind The Scenes [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now