Chapter 48

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Seth POV:

I lay my face down on the bed, sweaty and slightly sticky, but relax and thoroughly sated with one arm under me and the other hanging off the edge of the bed.

I'm still panting slightly with eyes shut, almost asleep, my breathing is even out when I feel Dean's weight shift. "Dean.." I pause, thinking the worst and the best all at once when he rolls onto my side.

I have no idea absolutely how to tell him that I am pregnant and a baby of him is growing inside me. What if I tell him and he freaks out? what if he tells me that he's not ready for kids and breaks up with me? I couldn't think I can live without him anymore.

I come out of my thoughts immediately when I feel his hand gently on my back, "You alright?" He asks and I can't help but shiver as I feel a feather light touch across my tattoo.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer and smile when he reaches across to hold my hand.

"I know something is bothering you," He starts to whisper after a moment. I am tensed and he continues, "And I know why you didn't share with me because I lost your trust." His voice comes out pain now, clearing it and leans to press gentle kisses on my tattoo.

I turn around and pull him in for a deep kiss to show him how much I love him. Then I cup his cheeks in my hands and look at him in the eyes, "If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't let you inside me."

He smiles and leans in for another deep kiss that nearly takes my breath away. "I love you, baby." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest.

I gently stroke his hair as I think about him and our baby. He already thinks I don't have trust on him then what if I tell him that I'm pregnant later? I'm sure he will blame him for everything so I need to tell him now.

"Dean," I call him and make sure he is woke up.

"Hmm.." I hear a respond from him before I start to speak.

I stroke his hair further gently to make him calm, "Dean, I need to tell you something more important. I know you love me but I don't know how you will take this.." I trail off and make sure what I'm talking about.

"I went to the hospital yesterday.. and the doctor confirmed that I'm.." I am silent for a while when I feel his breathing evens. I huff as I know he is asleep already so I wrap my arms around him, "I love you." It takes me a while to get some sleep.

Next morning..

I flutter open my eyes when the sunlight floods to our room. I flinch when I feel, I can't move on my side then remember what had happened last night. I smile and glance down to see Dean wrapping his strong arm around my waist.

I carefully lift his arm, a sigh of relief leaves from my lips when I feel him roll over onto the other side, facing away from me. I silently slide out of the bed and stretch my arms high above my head and let out a silent yawn before take the clothes from the floor.

I make my way to the closet and take a fresh clothes before stroll right into the bathroom and close the door. I take a long, shaky breath before reach into the large shower and turn on the hot tap first.

The sound of the water falling reaches my ears as I catch the sight of myself in the bathroom mirror. I can see my longish hair pulled back tightly but still looked messy and sweat drenched.

I survey my reflection for a moment. There is a few scratches and marks across my body which makes me smile creep across my lips. The smile didn't last long once I remember he slept before I told him about my pregnancy.

I drop my eyes from the mirror and reach into the shower, feeling the temperature of the water. I flinch a little as the hot water touches my skin. I quickly turn the cold water on and play with the two taps until it is the right temperature.

I step into the larger than usual sized shower and pull the glass door close. My eyes close as the warm water rolls over my tender muscles, an appreciative moan leaves my lips from the delicious sensation.

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