Chapter 7

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Dean POV:

I have been waiting for Seth to sign the contract but he is just glancing at his phone when it starts to vibrate. I cross my arms over my chest and look at him. 

When he is about to pick up the phone, I grab it from his hand. He looks at me unbelievably but I just ignore him and look at the caller ID. "What do you think? I don't have other works. I have, so your mom will wait. She won't die if she waits." I say in an aggressive tone.

He grits his teeth and lifts his hand up to slap me but I stop him by holding his hand, "Don't do that mistake ever again!"

I let his hand and cross my arms over my chest, "Do it fast, baby boy! You know time is precious!"

Once you sign it, I'll show you who I'm! I don't forget that you tried to slap me again.. I'll make your life a living hell!

I smirk at him when he slowly signs the contract. I get the paper from him and keep it safe inside my jacket.

I look up at him when he pleads to me with tears in his eyes. "Dean! Please give me the phone, I want to talk to my mom, please.."

"Again you have started to cry.. Aww, I don't like it, so get in the car before I get angry." I push him towards the car but he doesn't hear my words and cries like a child.

"Shit!" I grab his hand and take him to my car. I open the door and push him to the passenger seat before getting myself in the driver seat and start the car.

When we reach my house, I let him sleep in the guest room because I also have a heart so I don't want to hurt him at this night.

I'm going to show him how crazy I'm. I'm going to torture him and the real fun will start from tomorrow.

The next morning when I roll out of the bed, my feet land on the luxury vinyl tiles, which is the world's most expensive flooring. I yawn and check the time, it shows 6.50 AM.

It's too early for me but I have another interesting work than sleeping here. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower and dress myself before go to Seth's room. 

When I enter his room, I see him sleeping peacefully on the couch. I don't like it. How could he sleep peacefully in front of me?

I smirk myself when I see the flower vase on the table. I take it and look at the angle clearly before throwing it on the wall beside him. 

Seth POV:

I wake up with fear by the sound of a sharp noise. I turn my body around to see what is making that noise.

I notice a flower vase is broken beside me. How did it break? I look around and notice Dean standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face. 

I sit up a bit so that I'm not in an awkward position in front of him. I shiver and try to calm myself when he comes towards me. 

I feel comfortable when he stops moving before a few feet away from me. "Get ready!" He says and leaves the room.

I can't stay here without knowing about my dad even if I signed the contract. I want to know whether he is okay. I want to see my parents. But how?

Dean POV:

I call Alicia, one of my housemaids to give breakfast to Seth while I and Roman discussing about the shoot as we eat the breakfast on the dining table.

I notice Alicia returning from Seth's room with the food and it makes me angry. I stop her and get the food from her before going to Seth's room.

I see him crying as he sits on the edge of the bed. When he notices me, he quickly wipes the tears away from his face. 

I smile and close the door behind me once I enter inside, it makes him nervous. I go to him and place my hand on his shoulder, and feel him tensed under my touch.

"I have to bring you some breakfast so eat." I give the plate to him but he doesn't obey me and looks away.

I try to calm myself and sit beside him on the bed. I pick up the spoon and fill it with oatmeal. I bring it closer to his mouth but every time he turns his face the other way.

"Okay, maybe you don't want to eat then just drink this juice." I pick up the glass of juice and bring it closer to his face but he knocks it out of my hand. 

Suddenly, anger starts to build up inside me when the juice spills all over my pants. I throw the plate away, and grab him by his arm and push him back against the wall.

I press my forearm against his throat, "How dare you?" I ask and close the gap between us. I can see the fear in his brown orbs. I press my arm further but Roman calls me.

I control my anger and let him go. "I'll show you who I am!" I grit my teeth and leave the room.

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