Chapter 1

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Seth POV:

Twenty-two-year-old Finn Balor bounces happily on his feet in the line of roughly one hundred people. He can hardly contain his excitement as he continues to stand up on his tip-toes to get a better look at what is going on at the front of the line that he and I are standing in. He drops down to stand flat on his converse clad feet once he realizes nothing exciting is happening and turns to look at me.

I watch him curiously, still not believing that I'm falling for him. We have different tastes in everything except nothing, but we're managing to work out things between us. The difference is what holds us together, I guess. Truth be told, I have no ambitions or interest in seeing any actors, but I'm here for him, only for him.

I always dream of having a wonderful family for me. A typical American life! Well, a beautiful two-story house in my hometown with the love of my life and a kid or two. Even a dog or two. It is what I always want. Maybe it's crucial in a fast-paced life, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming about what it will be like, though.

He runs his fingers through his hair and raises an eyebrow at me. "What?" He asks quietly.

"You are vain." I laugh, moving my hand to his hair and messing it graciously. It's been my habit of playing with him ever since we have each other.

"Shut up!" He replies quickly. He pulls out his phone to check the time and smiles when he realizes he has less than ten minutes left of waiting. His heart is hammering away at his chest again. He's starting to get a little nervous now.

I watch his reaction curiously and step in closer to him so none of the others can hear us. "You don't need to be nervous, Finn."

He shoots me an incredulous look. "We're about to meet him, Seth. Dean Ambrose!" He takes a deep breath as he lets the words sink in himself. "Which means I'm gonna meet my favorite superstar. Dean fucking Ambrose. You have no idea how huge this is."

I know how much he's attracted to him. He likes him very much than anyone, including me. He missed none of his movies or advertisements, whatever he had performed. He's madly talking about him if anyone is willing to give their ears to him. Even in our couple of dating, he was blabbing about him than making decisions about our life, so I quit hanging out with him after that. Quite frankly, he has an almost unhealthy obsession with him.

Everyone will be curious to know what I'm going to do with him. Definitely! I'd questioned myself one time and got the answer clearly. Even though we are different, we have known each other since we're kids. It means there are no secrets between us. And there's no reason to fight or end up in divorce in the near future. We're the words of the same book, even if it's different, so we hope nothing will tear us apart.

Shaking my head, I hold it with one hand and look around, uninterested. "I don't know whether to smile happy for you or feel sorry for you." I'm letting out a brief sigh as I'm seeking his reaction. "He's just like the other actors who don't give a fuck to their fans. You're one of the millions that he has met, so don't get overexcited."

He says nothing, merely looking beyond him to the line in front of him. He knows I'm right, but he doesn't want to admit it. Instead, he begins his usual ethics and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pointing to a man with long black hair past his shoulders and a tribal tattoo covering his right arm. "Look there, Seth. He's Roman Reigns, the manager of Dean Ambrose."

Rolling my eyes, I nod at him and give him a small smile. I feel exhausted from wasting my life here. My legs are hurting like a bitch, but he doesn't seem to care because he's not caring about himself now. I stand up taller on my tip-toes to see if the line is moving any before leaning against his shoulder and closing my eyes to calm my nerves.

A few minutes later, I startle and move away from him when he squeals loudly. My eyes widen when I figure out that he's barely able to contain his excitement as he's covering his mouth with his hands. I look around and realize that we're settling inside the cramped area of the crucial part.

I return my gaze to him and stare at him curiously for what I don't know. I'm certainly happy for him, but something in me rubs the wrong way. Anyway, he is leading to meet his dream superstar, but it's almost scary how exciting he is. I grab his hand and rub his knuckles, trying to calm him. "Finn, I think you need to calm down."

"But look at who we're about to meet!" He beams back at me.

I lean in closer to him and try to handle the situation. "You're gonna freak Ambrose out if you don't calm the fuck down."

He rolls his eyes but takes a long, sharp breath. He calms down for a moment and focuses his attention back on the line in front of him. It's not going to be simple as I've prepared for this. If nothing goes wrong, I'll certainly be grateful for it.

When I feel heavy air blow at my face, I tuck a strand of hair off my face and keep it behind my ear. Wetting my dry lips slightly, I glance up and notice someone is watching me through the side door. Is it real? Yeah... Someone examines me for a long time. It's none other than Dean fucking Ambrose.

My brown eyes lock with his icy blue eyes before moving slightly to earn a better look at him. I haven't seen him face to face before, and it is my first time seeing him in reality. He is tall, with muscular biceps and long, lean legs that are covered up by dark, straight-leg jeans. He has short, dark blond, almost light brown colored hair that is often messily brushed across his forehead. He has an unusual but attractive face. Maybe Finn would fall for his captivating icy blue eyes! Yeah...

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