Chapter 6

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Seth POV:

As I enter the house, my heart breaks into a million pieces when I see my mom, who seems like a ghost as she sits on the floor. 

I go to her and place my hands on her shoulders, shaking it. "Mom, what happened?"

She just blinks her eyes and looks up at me with tears in her eyes. She hugs me tightly and whispers against my chest, "Your dad went outside yesterday but he doesn't come back yet."

I lift her face and look at her in the eyes, "Did you call him?"

"I called him but he didn't answer any of my calls." She sobs. I try to think where my dad has gone if anything possible while rubbing small circles on her back. 

When nothing comes to my mind, I ask her. "Did you inform the police?"

She pulls herself away from me and looks at me with anger, "What do you think, I didn't inform? I informed but they all teased me because of you." I don't know how to respond because I didn't see her with this much anger before.

She grabs me by the collar of my shirt, "It's all happened because of you. You broke your father's trust and cheated your boyfriend for a luxurious life."

"No mom, I didn't," I say with tears in my eyes. She pushes me away and stands up from the floor.

"Don't talk to me. If anything happens to your dad, I'll kill myself and you can enjoy your life with your superstar. Get away, don't stand in front of me. I hate you!" She says and goes upstairs to her room.

"Mom.." I try so hard to fight back my tears as I try to process everything. I want to go and comfort her but I know I can't do that now. She won't like to see my face anymore until my dad comes.

After a few hours..

I search for my dad everywhere until it is dark. I haven't find the strength to stop my tears because I don't know where my dad is and how he is.

"Please dad, come home!" I mumble, choking my tears in the process. I pull my jacket tightly and force my body to walk forward when a cool breeze hits my body.

I walk further and search for my dad until I lose hope. Suddenly, a Bugatti Veyron blocks my way. My eyes widen when the car door opens, revealing the person who is blocking my way.

 My eyes widen when the car door opens, revealing the person who is blocking my way

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"Dean!!" I look at him shocked. 

"Hey beautiful," He waves a hand and comes closer to me. 

My heart is about to beat out of my chest but I struggle to relax and walk away because I'm not in the mood to play with his games.

"Where are you going lonely, baby boy?" He asks and grabs my hand. 

"It's not your business." I struggle and try to release his grip. What he wants now? Whether he is not satisfied with making my life hell?

He tightens his grip and moves closer to me. He removes the strand hair from my face and tugs it behind my ear before leans over and whispers, "Did you find your dad?"

I move away and look at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Your dad told me that he misses you." He says and pulls his phone out from his pocket. "I want to show you something and it will help you."

He plays the video and it shows a person who is beaten up and bloody. Tears start to fill my eyes when I find that person is my dad.

He has a chain around his neck, shackles on his wrists and his ankles. He is screaming at someone, "Stop! Let me go! I didn't do anything to you guys! Let me go! please don't hurt me!" Then the screen went black.

My heart aches when I hear that. It is killing me that I'm not there to save him from the torture. "Why are you torturing my dad?" I ask him with anger.

"It's all because of you, baby boy!" He smirks and I look at him even more confused.

My chest tightens in fear but I don't want to show him that I'm weak. I try to keep my voice, "What do you want from me?"

"Don't try to show attitude to me because it's not suited for you. You know what I want.." He whispers in my ear.

"Please, leave my dad, please.." I let the tears flow more but he doesn't respond. So without thinking, I fall onto my knees in front of him and press my forehead against his thighs, whimpering a little as some more tears spill from my eyes. "Please.. If you want, just punish me. But don't hurt my dad. He didn't do anything to you. Please, leave him.."

I look up when he grabs me by my arm and lifts me up. I look at him confused when he takes some paper from his jacket and shows it in front of me, "I'll leave him if you sign this contract."

"What's this?" I ask and take the contract from him.

"It's a small contract between the master and the slave!" He says with a smirk as I read the contract.

"No, I don't." I throw the paper on his face.

He catches the paper and says, "I understand you don't want your dad to be happy, you only think about yourself.. How selfish you're!"

"Please.. Leave my dad, please.." I grab his hand when he turns to leave. He turns around and gives me the contract again, "Then sign this contract.." 

I don't know what to do. I give up when I know that I have no other choice. I take a deep breath and my phone vibrates when I'm about to sign the contract. I take my phone out and see the call which is coming from my mom.

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