Chapter 25

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Seth POV:

I groan as I slowly wake up. I whine softly because I am sore and look next to me but Dean is not there. My heart flips in my chest when I see the contract which was made by Dean placed on the bedside table with my phone beside.

I confusedly take the contract and my phone from the bedside table while thinking about Dean, where he is. I want to talk to him and want to find out what is happening.

I dial the memorized number of him and hold the phone to my ear. My body shakes harder, anxious and scared of where he is. I hear the line click and I sit straight up, sucking in a breath, a hopeful smile on my lips. "Dean, where are you?"

"I'm on the way to the airport, baby."

"But you didn't tell me.." I am confused because he goes without saying a word to me and also I don't know when he will return to the room.

"Why I want to tell you, baby boy? Our contract was over. Now I'm going on my way and you can try to go on your way."

"D-Dean.. I didn't understand why are you talking like this?" I try to understand what is happening to me while tears slowly start to fill my eyes.

"Because everything between us was over. You gave me what I wanted and thanks for that."

"Deeaannn, d-don't do this to me.. I love you. I can't live without you.." My entire body feels weak and my hands are shaking as I hold the phone tightly against my ear. It hurts me, all of it hurts so much.

"Babe, I already told you that I want you to give yourself to me and that's happened.. I gave my revenge to you. Now, there is nothing between us. Bye, babe."

"D-don't disconnect the call, Dean.. Please.. If you want to hurt me then hurt me, but please.. don't leave me. Dean, don't do that to me what Carmella did to you." My heart leaps up into my throat, "Dean.. Dean.." He hangs up the phone.

I try again and again but he doesn't reply any of my calls. I cry out loudly and I can't believe what he just said.

I wish it is just a worst nightmare because my heart refuses to believe the truth. I trusted him but he did everything to fulfill his revenge. That means, he didn't love me and all he did is just acting.

I try to stand but my legs are shaking and tears already start down on my cheeks as I walk over to my bag. I fumble with the zipper and finally able to get a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a hoodie.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, I dress and my body protesting every movement, sending bolt after bolt of pain shooting through me. I sigh as I wipe the tears away and close my eyes as my jaw tightens.

I don't want to live anymore.. I don't deserve to be alive..

I struggle to hurry to the door and barely move to the brightly lit hallway. My lungs burn and my heart races. I turn, following the long corridor to the upstairs. I don't want anyone to see me and I also don't want to see anyone else.

Pulling my hoodie up, I look around and start making my way upstairs. Tears burn my eyes, each ascending steps causing me to whimper. I push the door open and go inside.

I wipe my face with one sleeve of my hoodie as I stand on the edge of the building. I am thankful that it is early busy morning so no one notices me.

I look down and let out a low chuckle to myself then look at the ring which is given by Dean. I wipe my face before the tears form on my eyes. I pull the ring out of my finger and throw it down because this is not mine anymore.

I'm not worth for this ring and also for Dean

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I'm not worth for this ring and also for Dean.. Dean doesn't want me..

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