Chapter 33

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Roman POV:

I have a head ache since morning due to Dean's activities because he didn't come to the shooting. The directors and producers ask me where he is but I don't know what to tell to them.

I called him and texted him many times but he didn't answer any of my calls or texts. Even I went to his house to see him but he is not there. I sigh as I lean against the car in the dark and think about the possible ways where he is now.

Suddenly I feel myself that I know where he is. I enter the car and drive towards the bar which is near Dean's house. As I enter the bar, I see Dean holds a beer in his hand as he flirts with a woman.

"Dean!" I shout. He looks away from the woman, his brows furrow as his eyes land on me.

"Roman?" He asks quietly as I hurry over to his table.

"I have been looking all over for you." I say softly, taking the seat across from him. I look up to see the flirty look on the waitress face. "Uh, you think you could give us a minute?" I could see the less than enthused look as she nods and walks away.

My eyes follow her before they return to Dean, watching as his gaze continues to follow her swaying hips. "Oh God, please don't go after someone like that." I say but he lets out a small chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" He asks softly, turning his attention to me. I can see the unknown sad in his face. I didn't see him like this before, not even his broke up with Carmella.

"Come back with me." I start, ignoring his question. I don't want to know why he is here. I care about him and want him to be safe. "I'm fine here," He says, taking a drink. "I'll meet you tomorrow."

I shake my head, refusing to hear it. I stand, walking over to the bar and get myself a drink before sit back with him. "I'm not busy so we can drink together." I say, smiling as I lift my beer to my lips and take a long drink. "We can stay till closing time if you really want to."

He groans, looking down at his glass. I can't just leave him here to go and bang with that waitress in the back. Ten minutes went by in silence, I lean back on the booth and relax.

As I try to talk to him about Seth, the waitress leans up against the side of the booth, smiling down at him.

I glare at her and state firmly, "He's not interested in you." My lips turn down into a frown. I haven't given Dean a chance to think about her. I will be blamed myself if I let Dean walk away with someone else, especially a woman who he didn't know.

"I didn't ask anything to you." She snips, her eyes flashing at me before they return to Dean.

"Well, I'm telling you." I say and take another gulp from my beer before setting it down on the table. "We are leaving anyway, come on, Dean."

He shrugs, giving a half apology to the now offended woman before he follows me out of the bar and into a light rain. "No umbrella?" He asks.

"Wasn't raining when I left." I answer, walking so enough that I and him can walk side by side.

Dean POV:

I sway from side to side as Roman opens the door of my house. He takes me to my room and plops me down on the couch. I am so drunk and I could barely keep my eyes open.

He helps me to take my clothes off and dressed in nothing more than a pair of pajama pants and a black t-shirt. He makes me to lay on the bed and the side of my face is flat against the pillows. 

When did the pillows feel so warm and soft?

I grumble and lift my head up but feel a hand in my hair trying gently to push me back down. "Try to get some rest." He advises as he strokes my hair.

"Did I do anything stupid?" I ask as I lift my head up so I can see his face. He lets out a small laugh as he replies, "No, unless you count almost pissing on my leg as anything stupid."

"Oh god," I murmur as I rub my hand all over my face. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine." He says.

Everything is silent. I want to tell him about Seth that I miss Seth so much. I break the silence, "I want Seth with me. I miss him so much and I want to ask him 'sorry' for leaving him. I want my Sethie back.."

As soon as the words come out, I regret it. I hate myself for sounding lonely, desperate and clingy for the person that I have left like nothing. Huh, so maybe that's the reason why I couldn't stand myself lonely.

"Do you still love him?" I didn't expect this question that Roman asks me. "Hey, I asked you. Do you love him?" He asks me again.

"I-I love him and I miss him so much." I say as I lean back against the headboard. "Will you help me to find out Seth?"

I look up at him when he is chewing his bottom lip nervously all of a sudden. "Do you know anything about Seth?" I don't know why I am asking this to him but when I see him sudden nervous, I feel something he knew about Seth.

"When you left Seth like nothing, he tried to commit suicide. I convinced him and took him with me from Canada." I try to understand what he said. He looks down at the floor and continues saying, "Yesterday, he was in a panic attack when he saw you on the television. Then he told Galina that he was going for a walk, but he.. didn't return yet."

"What?" I slide off from the bed and stand in front of him at the foot of the bed. All traces of my hangover and drunkenness is gone.

"It's all because of me. I'm the one who is responsible for everything. If anything happened to him, I won't forgive myself. I need to find him.." I say as I move towards the door but he grabs me by my arm and stops me.

"You can't find him at this condition. Just sleep now. Tomorrow, we will both search and find him." He says but I refuse and pull my arm from him before make my way to downstairs.

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