Chapter 35

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Dean POV:

When I confirm that is Seth, I look at Roman who is standing inside the store with a water bottles in his hands. Before I miss the car out of my sight where Seth is, I move to driver's seat and start the car.

When I am following the car, I hear my phone rings. I know Roman will call me because I left him at the gas station without saying anything. I hold the steering wheel in one hand as I hold my phone in other hand and text him that I saw Seth.

I put my phone down when I realize that I let two cars to get in between me and the car where Seth is. I put more effort and move forward to reach the car.

Finally, that car stops in front of an apartment. I stop my car few distance back and step outside. I growl when I see a man who looks like a psycho, grabs my Seth's hand and takes him inside the apartment.

How dare he is to touch my Sethie? He'll pay for it.

I follow them and stop when he takes my baby into a room. I growl as I stand in front of the room and knock at the door.

After few minutes, that man opens the door and looks at me confused, "Who are you?"

"Where is Seth?" I push him out of my way and make my way inside and see Seth sitting on the couch with a blank expression. "Seth! Baby!" I grab him by his arm and hug him tightly.

I pull away and look at his beautiful eyes which is filled with fear. As I shake him, that man grabs me by my shoulder and asks in a serious tone, "Who are you?"

I am irritated when I look at him again. I pull his hand away from me and push him away, "Everyone knows me, even a small kid also. You're the first person who didn't know about me. Anyways, it's not my problem because I don't want any psycho to know about me."

"I'm not a fucking psycho. Get out of my room." He says in a harsh tone.

"How will I get out when my baby is with you?" I growl as I force my face up into him and poke into his shirt, accusing. "How dare you to touch my baby?"

Without a sign, I clutch my fist and punch his mouth and nose. He stumbles back as he covers his nose and mouth with his hands and looks at me with anger in his eyes, "How dare you to touch me? I'll kill you for touching me." He takes me down to the floor and punches me wildly.

Seth POV:

When I realize what is happening in front of me, I stand up from the couch and try to stop Shinsuke who is hitting Dean. "Don't.." I grab the back of his shirt and haul him off of Dean.

I stand in between them but Dean pushes me aside and throws himself at Shinsuke on the ground, throwing punch after punch. "Dean, don't.." I try to pull him off from Shinsuke but he refuses to move. Pools of red starts to cover his hands and Shinsuke's head.

When I hear someone's footsteps towards us, I look around to find whom. "Roman!" I sigh as I run towards him and hold his hand, "Try to stop the fight."

He nods and picks Dean up, throwing him to the other side of the floor. He stands there, staring with wide eyes at the fuming Dean. "What the fuck, Dean?" He yells. He drops to his knees and inspects Shinsuke who is out cold. "I think he is unconscious. So we need to call the ambulance."

"Why we want to call the ambulance for an unknown psycho? If you let me, I'll directly send him to the mortuary." Dean moves forward but Roman stops him by placing his hand on his chest.

"It's enough, Dean." Roman orders. I look at Dean's wild eyes as he stares at Shinsuke and force my eyes away from him and drop my knees onto the floor. He comes to me and says, "Calm down, babe. You're safe and I'm here for you."

He breathes heavily, his anger starts to disappear slowly. I bury my face into his neck, inhaling his scent. Roman takes his phone out and calls the ambulance for Shinsuke. When Dean pulls away and kisses my lips, I realize what is happening and remember what he did to me.

I shutter, my stomach turning and nausea taking over. Suddenly I push him away and feel myself traps into those emotions. "No.." I whimper. I couldn't breath myself normally.

Dean POV:

When Seth pushes me away from him, I feel that I ruin everything. I am shocked, my eyes go wide and worry once they land on him.

"Seth," I breath, biting my lower lip as I move forward. But Roman grabs my arm and makes me stop, I look at him confused then realize this is because of me.

I look back at Seth and try to communicate with him as he is unable to breath. "Hey baby, just look at me. Take deep breaths, breath babe, please.. " I suck in a large breath, his eyes finally focusing on me.

"That's right, let it out slowly." I know if I didn't do something, there is a chance he would hyperventilate and I don't want that to happen. "It's okay, we're here," I say a little louder, but still gently.

When he slowly starts to relax and breath, I ask him. "Is it okay if I come over there?"

Before I move, he stands up from there and gets out of the room. I feel myself ashamed for making him like that.

Sorry baby for doing this to you!

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