Logh (Forgive)

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For the first time in my life, I was held through the night in the arms of a man.  I woke before Liam and noticed I had not opened the letter I had received yesterday.  I quietly got out of bed and my bare feet walked me across the floor of our chambers toward a letter bearing my name. 

I chose privacy and quietly wrapped up in my husbands plaid, took the letter outside to the balcony and curled up in a chair with the foggy air surrounding me. 

I opened the letter and was elated to see it was from Mary Fitzgibbons.

"My dearest sweet girl,

I have no questions regarding your safety as I am aware you are in good hands.

Treason is a scary thing and we were unable to speak of your Daniel during his life but I hope what I say brings you comfort during these times.  I do hope you can find forgiveness for an old friend.

As you are aware I hail from Lámhach,  King Alistair poses as a godly ruler but he played your father a fool.  As a child of noble right, we were stripped of our title and I was forced to work inside his castle walls.  He was cruel at times, even forcing himself on young maidens like myself. 

Your prince also held many dark secrets, although his love was pure for you, it was not pure for his people. 

The moon can tell many stories, but none as beautiful as yours.  Just as your mother and her mother before, you will someday rule a kingdom alongside a man with an inner light as bright as the sun.  You are the white witch of A Stór, able to bring forth kindness and compassion where it exists inside many men. 

Your place was not meant to be beside Daniel, but you are meant to rule next to a man of greater character. 

The starving children of Lámhach need your faith and compassion.  Daniel did not have that compassion so when time presents itself you will know your calling. 

Love him, treat him gently and he will protect you with his life.

Do Chara Dílis,

Mary Fitzgibbons"

I closed the letter and wrapped the plaid tightly around me and took in my husband's scent.  I was so wrong about Daniel and of course, I forgive Miss Fitzgibbons. I know the punishment for treason and I would never want that for my friend.  I also trust her word more than anyone and do not question her wisdom or sensitivity to unknown matters.  My heart breaks for Daniel's sins and the sins of his father but it also breaks for my husband. 

He has so much to overcome to build a reputation of respect.  His father was a vicious man and what Liam did on my first wedding day will be hard to overcome but he can do it successfully if he is very careful. 

I have forgiven Liam.  There is no doubt in my heart or soul that he is kind and forgiving.  I stood and quietly entered our chambers only to find him still sleeping.  Miss Haggerty has not knocked on the door yet so I decided to clean myself up in the dressing room and put on a new shift then tie up my leggings to get an early start. 

Just as I finished tying the second ribbon around my thigh I felt eyes on me.  "You are the most beautiful Queen to ever live." He was leaning against the doorway staring at me.

"As you are the most handsome King," I said then stood up.  "We have quite the journey today."

He smiled.  "The entire week will be an adventure." He looked me up and down.

"I wouldn't expect less from his majesty," I said as he approached and pulled me into his arms. 

"I will have my Queen all to myself." He kissed me until there was a knock on the door.

"She knocks now?" I giggled when I pulled away and he groaned.

"This is our marital suite, only the harshes punishment will come to those who enter without warning." He brushed his lips against mine. 

"We better prepare so we can arrive at our destination early," I whispered. 

"You're right although I feel I have waited an eternity for you." He kissed me again and there was more persistent knocking so I pulled back.

"It's her duty to manage my schedule." I reminded him and he groaned again. 

"Fine, let her in to help you but you know I can do the work myself." He said.

I shook my head.  "It's a lot of work for a King."

"My duty will be to undress you, it's a shame to hide such a beautiful figure under so many layers "

"Layers that hide my figure from your court." I smiled.

"Only the most modest clothing for my Queen." He hugged me tighter.

She knocked for the third time and he reluctantly let go.  Miss Haggerty will be traveling with us along with many guards and Liam's personal secretary.  A King's work is never finished.

We dressed quickly and two carriages waited for us as we will have a carriage of our own and Miss Haggerty will ride in the second carriage. 

Liam helped me inside the royal carriage as the kingdom wished us goodbye and the convoy of horses and wagons pulled away. 

He pulled me on his lap once again and our journey consisted of kissing and he did have wondering hands at moments. 

"I need to tell you something very important," I said as I sat on his lap.

"Have you done something?" He is still on the side of caution.

"My hands are clean but my heart has let go of anger.  I am aware you did your duty and it seems you saved me that night.  My only regret is that I wasn't aware before my wedding to Daniel.  I adore you, King Charles." He looked up at me as his fingers ran through my hair.  "Your heart and your life are both safe with me." I said.

"This is a blessing, I adore you and your heart is safe with me." He then pulled my head down and kissed me.

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