Áilleacht (Beauty)

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"Please, do have a seat," I said and took a seat across from her, right in the line of fire of those wickedly beautiful eyes.

She sat as I did but wouldn't even look at me. 

"I do hope your accommodations are satisfactory," I said.

She took a drink of her port and nodded as she sat her glass back down.  "They will do for the time being." She said then licked her naturally plump and perfect lips.

"Soon the castle will be like new, just as the people.  I have made many changes to my court this morning as I met with my council.  I do believe you will approve of the changes and feel more at home soon." My private secretary set a glass of port in front of me and topped hers off.

"The current state of your court is none of my business and my comfort is not of your concern since my visit is to be temporary." She said as she nodded at him and whispered thank you for the addition to her glass. 

"I'm afraid your visit will be much longer than you predicted.  Its length will be determined by many factors but I do vow to your safety and well being." I said but she looked at me and the daggers she shot from her eyes pierced through me.

"My safety and well being?  The same safety and well being you took from me the moment you took away my Daniel and my home?" She asked.

I leaned forward.  "If you think I am the only King to threaten both countries you are completely in the dark about the political state of A Stór, Cogadh, and Lámhach.  Cruálacht has been threatening all three of our countries and the offer to fight as one was declined by both your father and father in law.  This is one reason my father made plans of war.  We must prepare for their invasion." I said.

"From my understanding, Cruálacht posed no threat if we stayed independent of Cogadh.  We are all doomed if you take A Stór." She said.

I shook my head.  "There is strength in numbers.  Under my rule, Lámhach and Astór will remain separate countries but will be part of my rule.  Colonies if you will and their deep traditions will be preserved."

I could see I've sparked some anger. 

"Enough about politics, what are your plans for me?" She took another drink of port after placing a grape into her mouth.

It's not my plan but the council that she should fear.

"I just met with my council and they agreed to all my demands but one.  Your fate is still being decided at the moment."

"Decided by the council?" She asked.

"Yes, we do still rule by not only the church but the esteemed council my father chose to ignore for many years.  I, Myself, do plan to keep the peace between the government and the church.  Their support is necessary for a long reign which unfortunately my father didn't feel necessary and ignored their guidance.  It's what most likely took his life as he took a greedy whore for a wife." I said and she smirked.

"From what I saw, your court is filled with the suffering of whore's and the like.  You plan to change things your father built?" She asked.

"My father built nothing during his reign.  Quite the opposite actually and I do plan to tidy up the court.  Just this morning I made many changes.  Soon, my Kingdom will be greater than all three Celtic countries as one.  We will be powerful and nobody will threaten our rule." I said.

"Our rule?" She laughed.

"Yes, as three powerful nations." I cleared my throat.  There's no reason to tell her the councils stern recommendation until after the Archbishop has communicated with Rome.  They will decide if I will be forced into a marriage.  "Well, enough about politics, let's talk about your comfort.  The Royal dressmaker will be here soon to size you and I'll need a list of provisions you wish to acquire." I changed the subject.

"I most certainly need my own lady to be sent, Miss Fitzgibbons and my belongings from A Stór." She said.

"I will send word to have them all sent here.  See, it's as easy as that your highness.  Any other requests?" I asked.

"The guards outside my door are unnecessary.  A woman requires her privacy, don't you agree?" She asked.

"Those guards are there as your personal protection," I said.

"You mean they are there to make sure I behave.  I assure you I am fully aware escape would just be a dream.  I could no longer survive the wilds to return home than a child." She said.

"That case does not matter, my court has many undesirables at the moment that threaten your safety.  I cannot remove the guards." It is common sense.  Not only to protect the princess but me as well.  She might be beautiful and have a look of innocence but she is still the enemy.

"Will the undesirables also be removed from court?" She asked.

I took a drink of my wine and stared into those fairy dusted eyes before setting my glass down.  I thought about the whore that was earlier in my bed.

"Yes, both men and women but they will be sent somewhere suitable for their lifestyle," I assured her.  "Not all but most and the ones left will be fitted with suitable attire and taught proper mannerisms for the company of royalty such as us." I said.  She has no business knowing the conflict between myself and my stepmother.  Her son is the next heir unless I produce a son of my own.  My stepmother's plans would be crushed if this beautiful princess and I created an heir to the throne.  Her son, my half brother will fall down the line of succession with each child we create.

"Making so many changes cannot make you a favorite of the court." She said.

"If they want port at their lips and bread in their bellies they will appreciate His Majesty." I said.

She sighed.  "I suppose but what of their families?  I have not seen or heard any children as of yet."

I gave her a smile.  "I noticed that last night and have told my noblemen that I wish for them to send for their families in the coming weeks."

She laughed.  "Your noblemen are shaking in their boots having their wives brought to a court filled with whores."

I couldn't help laughing at her observation.  This is true but no man I know stays faithful to their wives so it should not be news to their wives.  It's simply the way men of our caliber live, adultery is a sin but the best sin of all within an arranged marriage.  Many wives just turn their cheek to the matter. 

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