Gafa (Trapped)

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"You sealed your own fate when you took the princess." My solicitor stood before me in my tent.

"Explain," I said knowing nothing he says will mean anything to me but will mean everything to the council.

"You took the Princess from her homelands which are the lands your father most desired.  The council is wary of your stepmother and her desire to remove you from the throne but producing a male heir will guarantee your reign." He said.

"My stepmother spreads nothing but lies to make me weak and paranoid.  My stepbrother will never take the throne!" I slammed my fist against the table.

"Once you no longer stand in her way she will be Queen Regent until your stepbrother is of proper age.  He isn't far as it is, but I am sure the council will not approve his rule until he reaches manhood."

I laughed.  "My stepbrother has been coddled and could never win a battle.  I'll see to it and he will never have a chance." I said.

"As I said before, Your Majesty, you sealed your own fate when you took the princess." He reminded me.

"I took the life of her husband, I will not have a queen who will suffer at the hands of her husband as my mother did in the hands of my father.  A marriage based on hatred will is doomed.  As my stepmother has proven, taking a wife is risky and could make me vulnerable to their lusts of power." I am not budging.

"Your mother also proved loyalty to a man that made her life hell." He countered and I stood in anger.

"Do not speak of a woman who selfishly took her own life!" I once again slammed my first down.  "Get out!" I pointed to the exit and he bowed before turning and walking away.

I understand the importance of taking a wife and creating an heir but I won't do it with any woman of power.  Especially not one that wishes to dance upon my ashes. 

I sat behind my desk drinking my finest rose wine given to me by the Laird of Hamish. 

I made a fatal error tonight, one I should have seen coming but my father most likely had this plan all along.  His greatest wish was for me to be his heir, never having much faith in my young brother, he trained me in the cruelest ways.  Somehow he has managed to not just reign this country but my eternal life.  I hated the bastard when he lived, now I hate him more in death.

My anger grew as I tried to find a solution.  Could I win the affections if a woman I scorned?  Could I ever trust any woman, let alone the beauty I laid my eyes on tonight?  Those eyes are exactly as described and if I wasn't such a sensible man I could fall prey to such beauty.  The fire in her is most attractive but she is my greatest enemy at the moment. 

After only a few restless hours of rest, we packed up camp to start our journey home.  The girl was presented to me, showing signs of distress.  Today she will ride with me as we march through the highlands and she sees the atrocities we saw during our journey to the battle. 

"Place her on my horse," I ordered.

"I am not riding with the likes of you." She spit out.

"I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter," I said as my men grabbed her roughly and threw her up on my horse.

"The thought of being so close to satan makes me sick!"

"You'll be seeing the rath of Satan today, princess.  Not by me but the family you try so hard to defend." I jumped up behind her on my horse.

"My father may have been a cruel man but I do not compare him to the compassion your late husbands family laid upon their own people."

I may be cruel in battle but I do have plans to change things.  I'll win the hearts of the people and ensure my reign. 

She fought for a short while until she decided her fight was fruitless.  Her stiff body never relaxed but the remaining scent of lavender graced my senses as her body rode so close to mine. 

We marched into the first village and what we saw first was women and children running to hide.  Men stood tall but their frail frames would be no match for my men.  I sat tall and confident as my horse came to a stop in front of the men.

"See, this is what your love left behind to me," I whispered into her ear and she scoffed.

"I am King Charles II of Cogadh, as you can see I have the Princess Annalise of A stór, bride of Prince Daniel.  He met his demise last night." I was cut off by an older man. 

"Let the bride go!" He yelled.

"Do not cut off the King while he speaks!" Peadar yelled out as he jumped off his horse to protect my honor.

"Stay calm!  My men and I are here to deliver word of your new savior.  The laird's of these fine lands are receiving word now of lower taxation on your land and goods.  Each village will welcome two new men and provide lodging to make sure these promises are delivered.  Men, hand out the bounty." I ordered.

I will easily gain the trust of the people but the clansmen do cause some worry.  I need to gain their trust to build my armies stronger if I want to defeat A Stór.  Lower taxation will make the Lairds happy until they hear there will be lower taxation on the people.  If they want to keep their titles they will follow my demands.

As the bounty is handed out women and children hesitantly came out to claim theirs and I heard the princess gasp.  I thought the sight of starving children would get her attention. 

Things are no better in my lands but in the last four days I have set things up for the better. I will be known as a generous king and that will build my armies and loyalties through the lands making me more powerful than any king before me. 

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