Banríon (Queen)

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Liam stayed for an extra cup of tea last night to calm his nerves.  He has proven to be much more nervous than me but today is the day.  The sun shined very brightly this morning which I've noticed is strange for this part of the world.  Even my homeland has more rainy or foggy days so the lord must be shining his light upon us. 

I sat up in bed and stretched when I noticed Liam.  I smiled as I watched him sleep in front of the fireplace with what I would consider nothing more than a rag covering him.  He never left, he must have placed me in my bed and curled up in front of the fire.

I slid out of bed and tiptoed over to him.

"Liam, you're not supposed to be here," I whispered.

"He didn't move all night." I jumped when I realized the guard also never left.

"What are you doing in here?" I snapped at him then suddenly I was pulled down on top of Liam.  "Ensuring your virtue and protecting us from rumors." He smiled through his sleepy eyes then pecked my lips.

"I also couldn't risk anyone making any attempts on you last night."

"The extra guard was to protect me from you but you are here to protect me from our enemies?" I giggled.

"Nothing will ruin this day." He said.

"If you don't leave so I can prepare, we won't make it to our special day." I teased.

"I'll drag you to the alter half dressed if that what it takes." He teased back.

The door opened and Miss Haggerty gasped.

"You!" She stomped over and I fell off Liam as he jumped up. 

"I'm going!" He defended.

"Off with you now.  You'll bring bad luck to your marriage." She ran them both off then looked at me.

"Your breakfast is on its way and a letter arrived for you this morning.  You will bathe then soon the ladies will arrive to prepare you." She said.

Our wedding is to start at noon then a small reception before the bedding ritual and festivities in the great hall after the announcement of consummation.  It will be a long and very stressful day but tomorrow will be relaxing when we leave for the countryside. 

The morning went as planned and I've been assured there's no military invasion possible as the scouts have found nothing to cause any worry. 

My dress is white lace with pearls sewn in and I had the dressmaker sneak in a tad bit of Liam"s plaid between the top and second layer.  Not enough to be too noticeable but he will notice. 

My hair is up and the diamond and emerald tiara matches the necklace he gave me previously.  The lace train feels as if it drags on for miles but it is breathtakingly beautiful. 

"Its time." Miss Haggerty rubbed my arm.  "You will take his breath away."

"Thank you," I said.

There is a crowd outside the castle waiting for a glimpse of their new Queen and they are quite the loud crowd.  This adds to the stress of the moment.

She led me and my guards to the chapel where I know my king is already waiting and I could hear the choir.  The doors are shut and Miss Haggerty stayed by my side until the doors opened then the horns blasted and everyone stood. 

I walked slowly and held my head high as I made my way toward Liam, each row of guests bowe as I pass.  I can see the Bishop then I saw my Liam with his uncle at his side who patted his nephew's shoulder and shook his head with a smile before saying something to my betrothed. 

I never thought I would be here again and my nerves shook me but as I moved closer and Liam took my hand I felt calm.  He led me up the steps to the bishop and the magic happened. 

We repeated our Celtic vows and he placed a beautiful emerald and diamond ring on my finger before the bishop handed me a plain silver one for Liam.  Our entire ceremony was spoken in Gaelic, our language that is soon to be lost to the English. 

Once the vows were over the Bishop announced us husband and wife then King Charles II and Queen Annalise.  All of our guests bowed but Liam wasn't satisfied it was over yet and pulled me into his arms then kissed me french style in front of all our guests.  I laughed along with everyone as we walked back down the aisle of the overflowing but beautiful chapel.  Bells rang and the crowd outside roared.

"Shall we introduce them to their queen?"  He asked.

I nodded and he guided me to double doors and once again I took a deep breath.  "Horns!" He commanded and the men came running.  The doors opened and the men stepped to the side and their blast quieted the crowd from the balcony.

He gave me a nod then we stepped outside and waved at our loyal people.

"One last gift." He said and once again pulled me into him and kissed me, which would have been frowned upon in my own Kingdom but here we make some of the rules.  The crowd clapped and yelled before he let me go and we gave them one last wave before stepping back inside to attend our short reception.  The guests will stay here during the bedding ritual which is now causing me more distress but Liam didn't let go of my hand for a moment. 

We drank wine, thanked our guests for making the journey and tried not to think about what is about to happen.  Liam insisted I make a relaxing tea ahead of time to help me cope with what's to come.  In a matter of minutes, Liam will not only make me a woman but also his Queen.

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