Cosaint (Protection)

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I was thrown behind a smelly pig of a man just before the horses took off.  My hands are tied and a rag is gagging me for hours before the horses finally came to a stop. 


It's all I feel right now and soon this wretched man will feel my wrath.  He took my husband's life and the life of my father in law.  He deserves a slow burning death and so does his men. 

Right now I cannot picture my sweet Daniel's face.  If I do my body will go back into the freezing shock I felt for most of the ride.  My body shook with a coldness as I thought of the moment his body fell to the ground at this man's feet, then I felt anger and now hatred.

"Dismount!" The King yelled.

The swine in front of me dismounted and paid no attention to me which caused me to fall to the ground with no hands to protect myself as they are tied behind me.  My body hit the ground with such a thud it knocked the wind out of me.

"You bloody fool!" The king pushed the man.  "I told her family she would be treated as a guest, it's your job to provide protection!" The man fell to the ground when the King pushed him.  

All I see are boots then rough hands pull me to my feet.  I am weak but I cannot allow these men to see it as I am held up from behind.

"She's as soft as a birds song and she smells of lavender, your Majesty." The new man spoke from behind me but the King is still staring down his man from earlier.  "Don't look into the witch's eyes, your majesty.  They say she has the charms only a witch could possess." He finished as the King slowly turned.

"Foolishness!  Take her gag out!"

Yet the man looks at my feet so maybe this is a good start but then his eyes rise and the further they roam he smirks.  "You're not fully dressed so I can only hope your Prince was unable to complete his duty and you are not the property of Lámhach." He said and I spit at his feet.

"I am the property of no one!"

I almost felt horrified as his raging eyes met mine.  He stood with a stillness and look on his face that cannot be defined.  I struggled out of the grip of the man holding me in place as the bloodthirsty King stared at me but I failed against his strength.

"This is no stare of a witch!" He suddenly laughed.  "She is still an innocent lass."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of and your kingdom will suffer!" I said as I once again tried to wiggle my way out of the strong grip.  The King took a step closer and snarled as he looked down at me.

"You take me for a fool, girl?  You're nothing but a scared child whose new husband hasn't properly bed."

"You have no way of knowing anything of such matters!" I yelled at him.

"Will you challenge me?  There are ways of confirming such details." He said with a smirk on his face.  "Let me guess, the Prince didn't even take you without your shift.  He was ready to bed you but I saved you from such horrors?"

I spit in his face and the men around me gasped and whispered when suddenly the King started laughing.

"You have the fire of A stór inside of you." He reached toward me and ran his finger down my chest. "A sweet fire your dead husband was unable to extinguish before we took his life." His eyes followed his finger as it lowered. 

"Don't touch me!"

He moved his hand away when he looked into my eyes.

"You're right, I've forgotten a good host would never violate his guest." He backed away.

"Every man listen up!" He got his men's attention.  "Not one finger of ill will is to touch the Princess.  If my orders are violated you will be punished in the strictest manner possible.  She is the guest of His Majesty's Kingdom and will be treated as such."

How dare he act as if he will shine kindness upon me?  I don't want his kindness, I want his death. 

"Don't you dare show me kindness!  Kill me now and make it quick so I can haunt you day and night.  I curse you!"

He laughed.  "You curse the leader of God's church?  You dare smite me in front of my men?"

"I curse you and your satan God." I said.

He laughed again.  "For a witch, you dare to curse your own God?"

I didn't say a word. 

"At least you show your fire and not hide it behind the cloak of godliness.  Your Prince was not the man you believed and if anything you should celebrate your liberation." He suggested.

"My husband was a decent and honorable man!"

All of the men laughed but the king raised a hand to quiet them.  "The naivety of the lass is not of her own fault." He looked at me.  "You will learn to live as a loyal servant of the King's court.  There will be no more bloodshed tonight and you will sleep safely under the protection of my men.  Once we arrive at my home you will be given the privileges fitting of a princess.  Your marriage is of no count so a decent husband will be found." He said.

"I'll be your prisoner although, no man from your court will ever be decent but force himself and unwanted children upon me.  Either kill me or release me, I demand it." I yelled.

"Take her to an empty tent then be sure she's untied and fed a decent meal.  We are through here, princess."

He walked away and I was dragged to an empty tent where I was thrown to the ground.  "If you value the life of your loved ones you will follow His Majesty's orders." The nasty man that held me back said as I fell.

I will have my vengeance, it may not be today but it will come soon enough.

Do you think her protection is really that important to Liam?

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