Géilleadh (Surrender)

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I stood back and watched her shyness fade and the beautiful princess win over the hearts if my people.  She was kind and gentle with her words, especially toward the children that approached.  My presence, other than her safety wasn't even necessary but it reminded me of the days my mother would take me out to these same villages.  I would play with the other children as she would speak with their mothers and fathers, winning the hearts of everyone on our journeys. 

Before long these people will become loyal to our reign.  I was warned of our enemies soldiers visiting the villages and making promises just in the past week alone. 

Once we return home I will send out scouts to confirm this rumor but time is drawing closer.  My father's death makes the king of Cruálacht believe my kingdom is vulnerable. 

I have invited the leaders of each village to our wedding, hoping this will show they are a part of my kingdom and not forgotten.  I will send word to every village, every laird and all the clansman of our impending marriage.  This will give them hope of an alliance between Cogadh and A Stór then I will start asking for volunteers to fight alongside my men when the time comes to defend ourselves. 

Cruálacht has conformed to English rule so the clansman support is nearly guaranteed but we need men from the villages. 

We traveled to another village where I noticed I had never seen a true smile from the princess until today.  She is shining her light upon my people and in one weeks time, she will be their queen.  The council was correct in making their demands but it is a lifelong commitment from me which is not what I ever wanted.  I already committed my body to this country and my soul to the church, the girl will not get my heart. 

When dark clouds starting raging over the rocky tops, arrangements needed to be made for shelter.  We made our way to Laird Shelton's castle where our horses could be sheltered and our men could be given a warm meal. 

After a lengthy political conversation with the laird, we were shown to our rooms where I demanded our guards take watch. 

The lightning and thunder were relentless as I tried to sleep while visions of the princess kept me awake.  The way her eyes would light up when she smiled took me off guard. 

She has an interest in botany and I was even able to walk with her in a meadow as she chose the plants to study.  I learned she loves flowers, reading and dislikes art as she was forced to sit for hours for each of her portraits.  She writes poetry and even sneaks into her family's kitchen to learn the art of baking.  Her closest friend was at one time her nanny and she has dreams to someday visit Paris.

I also noticed the sun gives her beautiful brown hair a tint of fire when the it shines through it, as mine does but mine is blonde.  My red can mostly be seen in my beard when I allow it to grow. 

Today proved I cannot allow myself to put my guard down because I caught myself doing it quite often with the young princess.

I heard something in the room next door which happens to be the princesses room which also happens to adjoin mine so I quietly threw back my covers and slid out of bed, careful to make no noise as I pulled the dagger from under my clothes on the table.  I stand in only a night shirt provided by the Laird.

Quietly I made my way to her door and listened where I heard it again so I quietly turned the handle and without even a sound slowly pushed open the door.  I wasn't prepared for what I saw, something I've seen my stepmother do at times. 

"What are you concocting?" I asked and she jumped.

"Umm..just some medicinal potions from what we picked today." She said.

"Medicinal?" I asked.

"Yes" she answered and now I am angry.  I know what she is doing and it just broke any trust I might have for the princess.

"I know what you are doing and I refuse to live my life looking over my shoulder!"

I kneeled down and handed her my dagger.  "If this is the price you plan to pay for your freedom, take it!" I yelled as I kneeled down in front of her.

"It's not.."

"I want no excuses!  Use it!" I yelled again.

She dropped the dagger with tears in her eyes.  Her hands are shaking as she fell to the floor crying.

"What poison were you planning?" I asked after she just showed me a tiny amount of trust I could have in her.  She knows she would be butchered by my men if she even tried to hurt me with the dagger but I showed her a trust.

She crawled over to the fire.  "It's just the leaves of heather.  I couldn't sleep and it calms my nerves." She cried as she took a sip and I let out a sigh of relief. 

She hiccupped through her tears so I got up and made a cup for her then sat down next to her on the floor and handed her the warm liquid.

"I'm sorry, it's hard to trust anyone in my position while I am fully aware of your hatred toward me," I said but she didn't say a word so I scooted closer and put my arm around the crying angel.

"Someday, I don't expect it soon but there will be a time you will accept me as your husband and I will accept you as my wife," I said.

"I'm scared." She said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I let out a sigh.  "I understand, what you witnessed that day," I thought back to her husband lying dead at my feet and the decapitation of her husband's uncle. "it was horrifying but that is the face of war.  This is why we must avoid it at all costs." I said.

"I'm already paying the price with my virtue and my future but there will still be war." She said and she's right. A war with Cruálacht is now unavoidable.

"All we can do is fight our hardest not to be on the losing side.  A Stór alone stands no chance at survival without my kingdom, just as mine needs yours.  Daniel would have made us weak as most of his people would not have supported us but instead, have supported Cruálacht at the risk of losing their traditions and freedoms.  Now they are pledging allegiance to both A Stór and Cogadh as long as your father pledges an oath.  We might not be doing what either of us want but we are doing what is best for our people." I wiped a tear from her eye as she looked at me. 

My chest hurts as I see her struggle after I just surrendered my life to her.  

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