Excited Uncles

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*few months later*
(Kat POV)

Mr. Bang decided to let the guys decide where they wanted to live and asked what their plans for work was now. Yoongi wanted us to get a place together but he also didn't want to leave the guys. And the rest of the band felt the same. Especially Kookie. He didn't want to live without his Hyungs yet.
As for work, they decided to make one more BTS album and then go separate work ways.

So here we are, in a new building that has multiple living spaces with their own kitchens and bathroom. It also had a giant "community room/kitchen" that we all gather in for dinners and get togethers now. So it's like we all have our own spaces but we are never that far apart.

I've been feeling nauseous a lot lately though.
"Kat? Are you ok in there?" I hear Yoongi ask on the other side of the bathroom door.
"Ya! Just a second." I replied while trying not to throw up again.
I'm like 80% sure I'm pregnant but I haven't taken any test yet. Yoongi and I are usually careful but the day after he came back home we weren't so careful I admit. So now I have my pregnancy suspicions.

Once I felt good enough, I left the bathroom and found a concerned Yoongi leaning against our kitchen counter.
"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks me and I nod.
He walks up behind me and put his arms around me.
"Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?" He asks suspiciously and then moved his hands to my belly.

"Well......there might be a chance of me being.....uhhhhhh...... ya know?" I replied putting my hands over his.
"You don't know for sure?!" He sounded shocked.
"Well I just thought about it like yesterday."
"Well we should probably go to a doctor and find out for sure. Because if your not....pregnant..... then we need to find out what's wrong with you." He squeezed me tightly and kissed my neck.

We made the doctors appointment before going into work for the day. We met the guys at the studio where they were going to have a meeting about their comeback.
"Hey guys. How was your morning?" Namjoon greeted us.
We kind of just looked at each other and shrugged.
"Well... It looks like I might be pregnant." I announce with a nervous laugh.
Yoongi just put his arm around me and wore a smirk on his face like "ya I did that."
I facepalmed.

"What do you mean 'might'?" Jin questions.
"Well we have a doctors appointment tomorrow to find out for sure." Yoongi replied.
"IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Tae yells jumping up and down.
"Tae Tae! WE are going to be uncles!" Jimin joins in the jumping.

"Guys! Nothing is for sure!" I said but nobody listened.

"I'm going to be the best teacher for this baby and teach it Japanese since it will probably grow up learning both Korean and English already!" Namjoon said seriously.

Jin "I'm going to teach this baby how to cook!"

Hoseok "This baby is going to get dance lessons from me and only me!!"

Jimin "I'm going to buy this baby all the best clothes and accessories!"

Tae "I'm going to show it photography and art and jazz music and and and other beautiful things in this world!"

Jungkook "Well I'm going to teach it everything I know!

"Oh my god they are going crazy!" Yoongi whispered to me while the guys were still discussing how to raise mine and Yoongis could be baby.

"GUYS!" They all stopped talking to look at me.
"Can we get to work now?" Yoongi said with a tired/annoyed sighed and they all nodded and got to work for the day.

(Yoongi POV)
We are at Kats doctor appointment now. They had her go to the bathroom for a urine sample and are now running the tests.
"What if I am pregnant?"
"Then we will have a baby."
"Do you want a baby?"
"I've never really thought about having a family until I got with you. And now that's all I want."
"You're too sweet. We should probably get married soon huh?"
"How about tomorrow?"
"Yoongiiii our families wouldn't like that."
"I know I know. Let's hire a wedding planner though because I'm lazy and don't like planning."
"Agreed. Planning things just fuels my anxiety."

A few minutes pass before the doctor walks in
"Hello I'm Dr. Lee and I have your results."
Yoongi holds my hand and takes a deep breath.
I also take a deep breath and wait for the doctor to continue.
"Well congratulations! You are pregnant!"

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