Finally Free From The Hospital

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(Kat POV)
We finally pulled up the house and Namjoon got my crutches ready. My ankle wasn't too bad but I probably shouldn't put too much pressure on it.
"Let me help you out." Yoongi offered me his hand.
"Thank you." I replied with a smile and when he grabbed my hand, he gave me that gummy smile I adore.
I got all situated with my crutches and ventured to the front door. Once inside, I headed straight for the couch. Namjoon went to tell Jin and the others I was home. Yoongi went to the bathroom.
Man I was out of breath. I knew I was out of shape but dang hobbling on one leg is tiring as hell.
"Noona you're back!" Jungkook sat next to me and hugged my bad arm on accident.
I winced a bit and he scooted back with a shook face.
"I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" Kookie started talking fast.
"Hey it's ok! I'm fine! It didn't hurt that bad!" I started reassuring him.
Jungkook nodded and got up looking sad.
"Kookie sit back down! Please, it's ok." I grabbed his wrist before he got too far from me.
"I don't want to hurt you again." He replied sadly.
"Kookie hurt you?" Tae asked while him and Jimin were walking in. Yoongi came in behind them.
"No he didn't. I'm fine. Please sit down Jungkook!" I said sternly and he obeyed.
At that moment Jin, Namjoon, and Hobi came into the living room.
"What did Jungkook do?" Yoongi asked looking between me and Jungkook.
I shook my head and was about to explain but Kookie started talking fast in Korean and everyone looked at me. Then Jin started scolding Kookie while everyone was nodding in agreement and it was kind of making me mad. I'm not hurt that bad. I don't need them to be so careful around me.
"Uh I have something to say here!" I raised my voice and everyone stared at me. "You guys don't have to be so careful around me or anything. I'm not hurt that bad. And please don't be so upset Kookie! It was ok." I said and patted his arm.
"Alright Kat. We understand. We just don't want you to be in pain. Especially since you are in pain because you saved our lives." Namjoon said with a sad tone.
"It's ok. I'm not even in that much pain. So can we please just hang out and act like we did before the incident? I love you guys and I just want to have fun like before." I said with tears threatening my eyes.
"Awwww we love you too Kitty Kat!" Hoseok reaches from behind me and started squishing my cheeks all around.
We were all laughing now and it felt great. I playfully tried to get Hobi away but Tae and Jimin came over and stared tickling my sides.
"Oh my god no! Stoooopppp!" I was yelling and laughing.
"Everyone's so weird today" Yoongi said and I about lost my shit.
I was laughing so hard now, almost crying and everyone else was laughing because I was laughing.

Finally we calmed down and relaxed for a bit before everyone started to scatter to do their own things. Yoongi stayed behind and sat beside me.
"You sure you aren't in pain?" He seemed concerned.
"Ya I'm a tough girl" I said with a smile and smiled back.
"Ok. You want to watch tv?" He asked and I said sure.
Yoongi ended up putting Dragon Ball Super on. He was watching the Korean Dub but was able to put English subtitles on for me.
I don't mind DragonBall but I'm more of a Naruto kind of gal.
As the episode was ending my stomach started to growl.
"Kat would you like to go out to lunch with me today?" Yoongi asked.
"Would it be ok for you leave without any BigHit Staff right now?" I asked.
"Ya I just have to wear a disguise." He replied getting up.
"Ok cool. Let's go eat!" I said excitedly and he giggled a bit. God I love that Min Yoongi smile so much.
He held out his hand to help me off the couch and got me situated on my crouches.
"Alright I'm going to get ready real fast." He said and I decided to do the same.
I made my way to Jungkooks room and noticed he wasn't in there. I wonder where he went? Well anyways I have to get ready for lunch. The outfit I'm in should work but I want to put my hair up nice and maybe do a little makeup.

Once I was ready I made my way back to the living room where Yoongi was waiting. He wore a black beenie, thick rimmed glasses, and a mask. I know he was to be safe and disguise himself but I hate not being able to see his whole face. I loved the glasses though. For some reason glasses have always been a turn on for me.
Yoongi took me to a small restaurant that was really cute. Most of the customers were elderly people. I was looking around at all the neat decorations and all the elderly customers when Yoongi started talking.
"I like to come here when I want to eat out. Small and none of customers or staff bother me." He said looking over the menu.
"It is such a cute little place. I love it here!" I replied and looked at the menu also. Of course I couldn't read any of it and I laughed at myself.
"Yoongi... Will you order for me please?" I asked and he nodded.
"Nothing spicy" he said with a small smile.
Aww he remembered I don't like spicy foods.

We got our food and started eating and chatting a bit. I told him about my childhood.
"I was raised fairly good. We were kind of poor when I was really young and that sucked. Most kids wouldn't understand but I've always been more mature for my age. So I knew I couldn't ask for toys that often or anything like that. But my youngest brother at the time whined for everything he wanted. I was the oldest and at first it was just me and 2 brothers. Then my parents had my youngest brother when I was 12. In my teenage years, both parents had good paying jobs and we weren't so poor all the time. I got a job when I was 14 so I could buy my own stuff. Stayed with that job for almost 10 years." I remember my childhood so well and could talk about it forever but I didn't want to annoy Yoongi.
"How is your family right now? Did you tell them about the incident?" He asked me.
I shook my head no. "I don't want to tell them. They didn't want me to come here in the first place. It's been a rough few years for my family and they didn't want anything to happen to me here. But I just needed to get away for a bit." I started thinking of all the deaths we've had in the family lately.
"Why has it been rough lately?" He asked.
I don't know if I can answer this out loud with out crying.
"Well it started about 3 years ago, my grandpa died. Then grandma the year after. And this past year my brother. My grandparents died of cancers and my brother at a different life threatening disease called Muscular Dystrophy." I answered.
"I'm sorry Kat. That is rough stuff." He grabbed my hand from across the table and held it with both of his hands. My heart fluttered.
"Thank you Yoongi. It has been rough. My grandparents were my most favorite people in the world. And my brother couldn't communicate with us and couldn't walk so I didn't really get to know him that well but it was still sad to see him go through life like that."
He just nodded his head and rub my hand. The waiter came to the table to give us the check and ask how everything was. Yoongi answered him and handed him a card. I was staring at Yoongi the whole time and once the waiter left he noticed me staring.
"Why are you staring at me?" He tilted his head slightly.
"You are so beautiful." I said without even realizing what I was doing.
He laughed a bit "Thanks... so are you."
I looked down blushing. He was still holding my hand and that made me blush harder. I was almost sweating when the waiter came back with Yoongis card and the receipt to sign. He kissed my hand and then let go so he could sign the receipt.
I started sipping on my water trying to cool down and steady my heart. I can't like him like this. I don't even know if he likes me like that either. Even if he did we couldn't make long distance work. Ugh this sucks. Go away butterflies in my tummy!

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