Morning of Fun Day

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I woke up feeling thirsty but I noticed the sun wasn't even up yet. I shouldn't be awake yet and lifted the blankets over my head. But now I have to pee ugh. So I got up and glanced at Jungkook sleeping so peacefully on the top bunk. Gosh he is so cute. I just want to pinch his bunny cheeks. But I better let him sleep.
I stealthily opened the door and closed it behind me. Made my way to the bathroom and did my business. After washing and drying my hands I made my way to the kitchen for some water. I noticed the sky starting to light up outside the sliding back door. I could use some fresh air so I decided to go outside for a bit.
As I sat down on a nearby bench I heard the sliding door open and Yoongi was coming out.
"Hey why are you up so early?" I waved at him.
"Just felt like I should wake up now" he shrugged and sat next to me.
We just sat in silence as the sun rose into the sky. It was so pretty. The summer morning air felt so good I thought as I took a deep breath.
"Usually when I see the sun coming up it means I was awake all night" Yoongi spoke up.
"Wow! I can never stay up all night. But I know you guys work very hard so I'm sure you don't have a choice sometimes." I say back with a sad smile.

(Yoongi POV)
This girl gets it. I feel like she really understands me sometimes. I never feel this way with anyone except the guys.
"I hope you had a good sleep last night" Kat says while looking at the sky.
"Ya I actually did. Thanks." I look at the sky with her.
Another couple minutes have passed and Jin opens the door and calls out to us in Korean.
"What are you love birds doing?" He cheekily said.
I know she can't understand him but it still embarrasses me so I put my hands in my face and blush.
"Jin are you going to make breakfast?!" Kat stands up and walks over to Jin. And he nods.
"Oh can I help please?!" She pretty much begs him.
"Ya I guess I could use the help. Why don't you help also Yoongi?" He says with a smile on his face.
I get up and walk to the kitchen with them and we start on making breakfast.

(Jin POV)
"Well what should we make?" I ask Kat and Yoongi.
Yoongi just shrugs and Kat excitedly says pancakes. So I start taking out all the ingredients for pancakes and Yoongi gets the pan and stove ready. I measured out the ingredients for Kat and she would pour them in the bowl and mix.
"Yoongi come here please." She said as she was dipping her finger in the flour. I giggled a bit knowing her plan and she tried to glare at me but giggled also. Once Yoongi was next to her she smeared the flour on his cheek and ran behind me.
"Oh you are going to get it!" Yoongi announced putting his whole hand in flour.
"Now now children play nice." I said as Yoongi chased Kat around the island counter.
"Oh no I fell!" Yoongi said dramaticly falling to the floor.
"Oh my god are you ok?" Kat ran over to Yoongi concerned. She's too gullible, I thought shaking my head.
"HA GOT YOU!" Yoongi yelled and got up.
Kat had flour all over her cheeks. Pouting. She was so cute.
"Ok ok let get this batter cooking now." Kat said in defeat and we all laughed.
I glanced over at Yoongi and he was smiling and watching her while she poured some batter in the pan. I could tell he liked her. I was happy he had a crush but nervous because we can't really have relationships as idols. So I felt bad for him also. But maybe things would work out.

(Kat POV)
I flipped the pancake but it didn't land right and the wet side of the pancake dropped over the side of the pan. For some reason my dumbass tried to wipe the batter off the pan with my finger and burned myself.
"Ouch! Well that was dumb of me." I laughed trying not to tear up.
"What happened?!" Yoongi came up next to me as I shoved my finger in my mouth.
"Do you burn your finger?!" Jin frantically asked on the other side of me. And I nodded.
"Let me see it!" Yoongi yanked my finger out of mouth and examined it.
Then he pulled me over to the bathroom and turned on the cold water.
"Put your finger in the water while I get bandage." He said to me and gently put my finger under the running water.
He gave me a washcloth to dry my finger with and then put a bandaid on for me. It was so sweet and I knew I had a cheesy grin on my face.
"Thank you." I shyly said looking down but he tilted my chin up to match his eyes.
We stared at each other for a couple seconds until we heard Jin yell to us in Korean.

(Yoongi POV)
"Is your girlfriend ok in there?!" Jin yelled out to us.
"She's not my girlfriend but ya she is fine." I yelled back.
Kat looked at me in confusion so I told her Jin was making sure she was ok and she nodded.
We went back to the kitchen and let Jin handle the rest of the cooking while Kat and I sat at the island counter.
"Jin do you know if Namjoon put my phone in rice last night?" She asked.
"Oh ya he did. Here you go." He went to the rice jar that Kats phone was in and handed it to her.
She took out her phone and held the power button.
"YES IT TURNED ON!" She shouted in excitement and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm glad you're phone is ok." I say to her and she nods.
Then Namjoon walked into the kitchen and was about to back hug Jin but Jin dodged it in time.
"Joonie! Kat is in here!" Jin said quietly even though Kat wouldn't understand him anyways.
"Maybe you guys should just tell her?" I said with a shrug. "I'm sure she wouldn't tell anyone."
Namjoon and Jin nodding in agreement.
"She has blended in nicely with us so far and I feel like I can trust her. So I'm sure she would keep our secret." Namjoon said grabbing Jin's hands.
"Alright let's do it." Jin smiles and started walking over to Kat.
"Good morning Namjoon! Thanks for putting my phone is rice! It works now!" Kat was smiling brightly.
Namjoon replied, "good morning Kat and I'm glad your phone works now! You should get everyone's numbers now, just in case." And Kat nodded in agreement.
"Kat we want to tell you something! But you can't tell anyone else. Only the members and some BigHit staff know." Namjoon said holding Jin's hand.

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