RM To The Rescue!

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"Katherine Jones" I said quietly still trying to process RM being next to me.
"I over heard you explaining your situation so I thought I'd try to help." Namjoon said. "Could you write your name down so the lady can look up your luggage easier?"
I nodded and wrote my name down and pushed it toward him.
We brushed hands for a second my damn girly heart almost exploded. I don't want to be like all the other fans that like to scream and make scenes when their idols are out in public though. That's just embarrassing for them and yourself.
I decided I should at least gather my courage and say thank you for him helping me. He nodded at my thanks and said no problem. After a few seconds the lady started talking to Namjoon again. Her explanation went on for a bit and he looked concerned so I was expecting bad news.
As he was saying his thanks to the worker he put his hand on my shoulder and guided me away from the counter.
"I'm sorry but it looks like some of the luggage from your flight was put on another plane because their wasn't enough room on yours." Namjoon explains to me, "Your bag was one of the ones that got put on the other plane. The lady said it wouldn't be here until later tomorrow."
His words made me want to cry but I didn't want to show any weakness around him. I didn't like when people felt sorry for me. I forced a smile as my eyes were threatening to tear up.
"That's unfortunate but thank you so much for helping me!" I tried to act calm, "I guess I'll just have to come back tomorrow."
Namjoon bent down to get a better look at my face. He probably could see the wetness in my eyes but I still held my smile. After staring at me for a few seconds, his phone dinged and he looked at his message.
"Well I have to go now, I'm sorry about your luggage. Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" He asked.
I nodded and whispered "yep I'll be ok. Thank you again Namjoon."
I got the most confused reaction out of him after I said his name.
"You know who I am?" He said looking at me like I was crazy.
"Of course I do. I'm actually here in Seoul for the BTS concert in a couple days" I smiled at him as I explained.
He told me that he was just shocked since I didn't freak out like most fans do when they see him or the group.
After that we said our goodbyes and I was back to being alone in a country I didn't know much about. I knew I had to do this and get by though. I was here to get away from all my problems back home. I need this vacation and I couldn't let my anxiety ruin it.
  Realizing all the information I printed off about my hotel and reservation was in my lost luggage bag is what made me break down.

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