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(Kay POV)
It's been 1 month since Yoongi and I became a couple. The members were really happy when we told them. I had to sign a contract with BigHit pretty much saying if I tell anyone anything I'm not supposed to, then I'll get fined a lot of money and possible jail time depending on the situation. I didn't hesitate though, I would never betray the guys like that. Also I was given a small job at the company. I'm technically an assistant for BTS members but they never use me as one. I'll always still help out with whatever I can, whenever I can though. Like get them drinks and what not. I also helped out at the last fan meeting. It was really fun and interesting to see how the members interact with ARMY one on one like that.
I did feel a tiny bit jealous when other girls would want to touch or hold Yoongis hands. I knew it would happen but I still couldn't help the jealous feeling. After the fan meet Yoongi said he could see me staring at the girls he was talking to and said I looked cute when I was jealous.

The guys are at dance practice right now so I'm just at home cleaning and doing whatever else I can to help out.
Tae brought Yeontan here so I would have some company while they were working.
"Yeontan! Anja!" I told the little hyper dog to sit.
I'm picking up on a lot more Korean. Especially small commands toward Yeontan.
I put a leash on little Tannie and took outside for a little walk around. We ended up going to a nearby park that had an enclosed area for a little dog park. I let Yeontan off his leash to run and play with the other small dogs in the area.
About 20 later I get a text.
Yoongi- where are you?
Me-at a dog park with Yeontan. Are you home now?
"Yoongi- we are on our way. What park?
Me- the one down the road a bit.
Yoongi- "be there soon."

"Yeontan!" I called him over to put his leash back on. We walked toward the entrance of the park to meet up with the guys. First Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon pulled up.
"I missed you." I said to Yoongi as we hugged.
"I missed you too. I'm sorry I have to work often." He replied.
"Oh stop apologizing for that all the time. I understand. I knew you worked really hard before I agreed to be your girlfriend. I knew what I was going into." I playfully smacked his arm back and forth. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss.
"YEONTAN DADDIES HERE!" I heard Taehyung shout out the window of a car that just pulled up.
First Tae ran out toward Yeontan, then Jimin followed. Kookie and Hoseok walked calmly over to the rest of the group.
"How was your day kitty Kat?" Hobi asked putting his arm around me. Yoongi was quick to slap that away. I giggled and hugged into Yoongis side.
"It was good. I just cleaned and played with Yeontan." I replied.
"Kat! We told you that you didn't have to clean!" Jin scolded me.
"I know! But I'm like living there for free. I need to do stuff to show I appreciate it!" I said back.
Jin just glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Did you just stick your tongue out at me?"
"Yes I did!"
"That's it! You better run!"
I took off quick as Jin ran toward me.
"Ahhh Jin I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" I was laughing as Jin chased me around the guys.
Finally I latched onto Yoongis back and used him as a human shield.
"Fine. I forgive you. But you better not sass at me again." Jin said playfully shaking his finger at me.
"Yes mother." I replied and came out from behind Yoongi.
We let Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook play with Yeontan around the park for a bit longer while the rest of us talked about the upcoming schedules.
"Today we were told that we will be touring soon." Namjoon informed me.
Yoongi always told me that I would come with whenever he had to leave town for more than a day but I was still nervous about traveling a lot. I grabbed Yoongis hand and asked
" long?"
"For about 2 months." He replied.
"We start in the UK next month" he smiled
I've always wanted to go to England! I've always wanted to see Japan and England.
"I knew you'd be excited for that." Yoongi said pulling me into a hug.
"I'm hungryyyyy." Kookie came back to us whining.
"Ya lets get going. COME ON TAE, JIMINIE!" Jin yelled across the park.
It's a good thing no one is here right now. It's nerve wracking having to worry about fans swarming the guys. And I love when the guys can just be themselves without having to worry about fans and media.

We ate some takeout for dinner and ate as a "family" at the table together. We chatted about the upcoming tour and what I can expect out of it.
Once we were done eating I got up and started to clean up the table. The guys got up and helped also.
We got everything all cleared away and went to the living room.
"You can go to bed if you want." I said to Yoongi after I caught him yawning.
"Nah I'll stay up until you're ready." He replied and sat on the couch.
I sat next to him and we watched Jungkook and Jin play Mario Kart. Jin came in first place every round of the cup they played. Then he handed me the controller and I played against Kookie for a bit. We took turns coming in first place on this cup but in the end I got better lap times so I won the gold cup.
"Psh I'm done playing now." Jungkook sighed and turned the console off.
I looked over and saw Yoongi dozing off.
"Alright bae lets go to bed now." I kissed his cheek and pulled him off the couch.
He plopped face down on the bed right when he got into the room.
"Yoongi at least change into some pajamas." I said.
No reply.
"If you don't do then I will." I threatened thinking he would resist.
Still no reply.
Should I start undressing him? Where will that lead though. I know we've been together for a month but we haven't really done anything more than make out. I've been ready for awhile though.
I start rolling his shirt up but the way he was laying was making it hard for me to take it all the way off. I started rubbing his bare back which made him take off his shirt all the way. He must like the back rub idea.
So smooth and beautiful. I wonder how his soft skin feels against my lips. I leaned down and kissed the back of his neck. Yoongi tensed up a bit at my kiss.
"Sorry. I just had the urge to kiss you" I giggled and started rubbing his back again. All this touching was putting my mind in dirty places though.
"I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." I got up and left grabbing some pajamas to change into.
Omg I got so wet just by giving him a back rub?! I though to myself as I finished up in the bathroom. I guess it has been awhile since I've had sexual relations with someone. I haven't had a boyfriend in like 4 years. I mean I've taken care of my problems my self a couple times but I usually don't get turned on enough to do so.
I got back from the bathroom and saw Yoongi was laying on his back looking at the ceiling. I turned off the main light and that triggered a light sensor night light to turn on. Yoongi got it for me when I started sleeping in his room often.
I got into my side of the bed against the wall. Yoongi motioned me to lay against him so I did. He was still shirtless and I was sliding my fingers up and down his chest and belly. He would giggle whenever I got close to his sides. So I teased him with more tickles.
"You want me to tickle you back?!" Yoongi said flipping me onto my back and grabbing my wrists.
"No no no please don't." I laughed and tried to escape his grip.
He just smiled and slowly leaned down to kiss me.
The kiss turned into a make out session. It got more intense after a bit.
Yoongi made his way down to my neck and started to slide his hand up my shirt.
I was so turned on now.
I started to unbutton his pants and he pulled off my shirt. He looked at me for a couple seconds and then got close to my ear and said "I love you."

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