Chapter 24.

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_____Niall felt relaxed the next day, completely calm. It was Saturday, so he had nothing to do. By this point in life, he should be thinking about starting a part-time job but because his grades in all his subjects were so great right now, that's all he wanted to focus on. The morning of his birthday, he lay sleepily in his bed and unable to get up. It was nearly twelve in the afternoon and his mum would make him his usual special birthday dinner and a birthday cake and they'd all just sit in and watch a movie of Nialls choice. Niall never really wanted a big fuss with his birthday, mainly because he didn't have any friends. But now that he had Liam...things were different.

On the nightstand, Nialls phone began to ring and he picked it up once he saw it was Liam. "Hey, babe." he said casually, sitting himself up a little. "Happy birthday, Niall." Liam said firstly in a groggy, gorgeous morning voice which made Niall laugh. "You sound different on the phone...sexier. Not that you weren't sexy before." Niall chuckled and Liam laughed. "Yeah, that's probably just my morning voice. I wanted to stay up until midnight to wish you a happy birthday but I had been finishing off some essay markings and I fell asleep anyway...I'm sorry." Liam explained sadly. Niall grinned, even though Liam couldn't see him.

"You don't need to apologise, Liam. I'm just happy to hear your voice." Niall admitted and he hated sounding so cocky, but it was the truth. Liam chuckled. "So did you enjoy last night?" Liam asked, sighing happily. "It was brilliant. I think that night at the bar was good, too. Y'know, with Josh and everybody." Niall explained cheerfully and Liam laughed yet again. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought Josh was your new best friend because he gave you a drink." Liam joked and Niall laughed. "Just be grateful I didn't have a hangover like last time." Niall snickered.

There was a pause in which Niall continued to snicker. "Hmmm...Really? You're not nauseous?" Liam joked, slightly concerned. "Nope." Niall replied, popping out the 'p'. "Light-headed?" Liam questioned. "Nope." Niall chuckled. "Any headaches?" Liam pressed. "No, Dr Payne." Niall teased with a roll of his eyes. "Good. Now that that's cleared...go look out your window." Liam demanded softly and Niall paused. "Come again?" Niall frowned, sitting at the edge of the bed. "Go and look. I got you a birthday present." Liam chuckled and Nialls eyes widened.

"Li, you didn't have to get me anything...oh, bloody hell is that thing for me?!" Niall practically shrieked once he had opened the curtains and stared at the black car parked in the driveway which had a massive blue bow wrapped around it. He heard Liam laughing at the other end of the line. "Yeah, it is. Don't worry about the costs, your mum helped me with that and the 1.25 engine is already installed so it's all good to go." Liam explained proudly with a hit of excitement in his voice.

" have no idea how much I love you right now." Niall breathed and he could tell that Liam was beaming even know he was nowhere near him. "Niall, what's wrong?" Maura asked her son as he practically ran downstairs with the phone to his. "Liam got me a bloody ford fiesta for my birthday!" Niall practically shouted and ran out his house to see his new car, only dressed in a pair of sweats. He didn't even care that the stones on the pavement were hurting his feet, he was that happy.

Niall was too scared to go near it so he stood and admired it from a distance, grinning like a loonie. But then his face fell when he heard his father’s voice call from the doorway. "Niall, who's Liam?" he asked curiously and Niall froze. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He didn't mean it...he didn't mean to be so stupid. It was a slip of the tongue. Now he had to tell his slightly homophobic and judgemental father that he was dating a teacher, who happened to be a guy.

"Liam's my boyfriend." Niall croaked and his dad frowned, studying him carefully. "Niall? Niall, is everything okay?" Liam’s voice came from the phone, interrupting the deadly silence. "Give me the phone." Nialls dad demanded patiently, holding out his arm at arm’s reach. Niall obeyed and he watched his father lift the phone to his own ear. "Are you Liam?" my dad asked and Niall watched his father’s face carefully. This was not going to end well. It was so not going to end well.

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