Chapter 43.

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Liam woke up the next day, finding a sleeping Niall next to him. He couldn't help having a big grin on his face. If only somebody saw how beautifully cute Niall was right now...he wanted to show the world. He wanted to show the world how perfect Niall was, and how much cared for him. He was just grateful he had him back.

He watches Niall sleeping soundly. He was sleeping against Liams sides, his head resting on his shoulder so that Liam could see the soft, peaceful face of his. His left hand was tucked under his cheek, pressed against Liams shoulder and his other hand was gripping tightly onto Liams t-shirt (that he had put on before he went to bed last night) as if Niall was afraid to let go of Liam. As if he was afraid he'd loose him again. Cute, right?

Liam reached his hand out and shut the alarm off that he got woken up by, and turned back Niall. Liam found it funny how Niall had slept through the entire time the alarm went off. It was obvious Niall really needed his sleep. The dark circles under his eyes told him that.

He took Nialls hand carefully and slowly, and carefully unravelled his fingers that were clinging to his t-shirt and layed his hand by his side. Still, Niall slept soundly. Getting up, he decided to set out a fresh pair of clothes for Niall and headed down stairs for breakfast.

Instead of wakening Niall up for breakfast, he wrapped the left over pancakes in tinfoil and placed them in the fridge for Niall. After he got dressed, he grabbed a pen and postet note and said "Away work babe, you can come in school when you want to. Left your breakfast in the fridge. Love you. Li x" and headed our with his bag and jacket.

Despite the fact that Liam and Niall were back together, Liam was sure that Niall wouldn't come in today. He didn't know why, he was just sure that he wouldn't. But his judgements were completely wrong. At lunch, when he was heading down to the canteen, he found Niall sitting amongst Louis, Harry and Zayn.

Liam couldn't help smiling at how happy Niall looked, laughing with his friends. He looked better than he did when he left him; freshly dressed with his hair tidy and lovely. The bags under his eyes were gone. For once, in a long time after their break-up, Niall actually looked like a human being.

Niall caught Liams eye as he was laughing just after Liam had bought his lunch. Smirking, Liam went over to him and placed his hands on the table, on front of Niall. "I'm starting tutoring again tomorrow, after school, if you're up for it." Liam began. Niall smirked back at him, smiling devilishly. " I have a date tomorrow after school..." he said flirtatiously. Liam wanted nothing more than to flirt back, but he had to play it cool.

"Well, we could start right now if you like?" he asked simply. Liam found this amusing, because Niall trying so hard to flirt with him and Louis was distracting him hugely by puttin his face near his, and making funny faces at him. In the end, Niall slapped Louis' face and Louis moved away, sitting next to Zayn instead. "Sure, I'll come up just now." Niall smirked eagerly, grabbing his bag.

"Go get him, Nialler." he hear Louis whisper as they were about to walk out the hall, which was followed by a loud thud and Liam knew Louis just been hit by Niall. Again. Shaking his head in disbelief at their immaturity, he gladly opened the door for Niall- who was a bit pink in the face. They reached the class room some time later and Niall was first to sit in the teachers chair this time. "So what are you going to teach me, Mr Payne?" Niall smirked, in that same flirtatious tone of his.

After setting his bag down on the ground, Liam walked over to Niall and set his hands on either arm rest to stop him spinning round on the swivel seat and Niall stared at Liam, his heart suddenly accelerating as he stared back into Liams chocolaty brown eyes. "What do you want me to teach you, exactly?" Liam teased, smirking back.

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