Bad to the Bones

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers!!!!

I'm sure all of you have seen the reads, I'm grateful too all the people who have read this story and given it over 2K.

I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Please comment and vote!!

Now let's begin.

Story Start~~~~

Koji looked down at my sleeping face as he rubbed my head gently. The village of beginnings was no more, but the unhatched eggs were being safely transported to their families.

"Just as it was foretold, the power if the eleven legendary warriors is alive. Alive!" Bokomon shouted.

"That's wonderful in theory. But it still didn't help us save the village of beginnings." Zoe pointed out as everyone looked at their D-tectors.

"Yeah, those royal windbag swiped all the data, anyway. I don't see where the win is here." JP added.

"Yeah, take a look around." Koichi said.

"I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel powerful at all." Tommy said.

"What are you talkong about?" Bokomon asked bringing everyones gazes towards him, "Do you understand the significance of the Eleven Legendary Warriors being reunited. No one said this was goung to be easy. I have every confidence you'll save the digutal world just like in the old legend."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Zoe asked.

"As long as we're willing to stay together and believe, destiny will show us the way."

"I wish destiny would show me the way to a good hamburger." JP said half joking.

"I wish destiny would give Erela a break." Koji said irritated. Everyone turned towards him with sad frowns on their faces.

"She's been through too much and targeted one too many times."

"We understand how you feel, Koji." Takuya said, "But just think, a little while longer and the digital world will be saved, then she won't be in danger anymore."

"I wanna believe that will happen, but is my spirit strong enough to do that?" Zoe asked doubting her strength.

"Well, I'm still willing to try." Tommy encouraged.

"We'll need some help." JP said.

I twisted in my sleep, and slowly but quietly opened my eyes. Since i was facing away from Koji, he didn't notice my awakening.

"I can still feel them, even though I can't see them." Takuya said, "The it her four warrior spirits! They stood by us before, and they'll do it again. If they can fight, and if Erela can stand strong, then so can I."

"There's a point I can't argue with." Koji agreed.

"Yeah, no douvt about that point, Takuya." I said, everyone gasped at the sound of my voice.

"Erela!" Everyone shouted in relief.

"Thank goodness you're awake." Zoe and Tommy said.

I smiled and sat up, my hair shifted in front of my face, showing me my newly colored locks.

I gasped as I hesitantly touched the dark strands.

"The dream..." I whispered, "The time for the end is drawing near."

"We swear we won't let that happen to you, Erela!" Koichi declared as the others nodded.

"Yeah, we'll protect you to the end." Takuya said determinedly. I smiled and stood up, albeit a little shakily, but tall and straight nonetheless.

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