Kazemon Kicks It!

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What's up nerds, writers, weirdos and fanfic lovers alike!! I'm throwing another chapter at you again. I've fallen in love with this story, and i hope you have too.

Thanks for all the votes and comments!!! Now, let's do this!

Line break======

Koji and I were riding trailmon through the night. That whole 'being taken over by the woman in my dreams and told the history of the legendary warriors' took a lot out of me.

I slept like a log on Koji's lap, him smiling as he lay his hand on my head.

"Sleep well Erela," he said softly, "You'll need it for the adventure ahead."

Suddenly, Koji's D-tector screeched.

You must go to the Forest Terminal the woman said.

"The forest terminal," Koji said in boredom, "Sure, why not."

The trailmon kept going until it couldn't turn its wheels anymore.

"Just call me the nap time express." It said as it stopped for the night and snored into his sleep.

Koji carried me outside bridal style and walked over to a bench close to the tracks.

"I should get some sleep too." He said as he yawned. He fell asleep within minutes.

As I slept, the dreams came back, only this time, I saw something new.


I was sitting in the quietness of my starry sky, when I felt a piercing chill surround me.

This was no normal chilly wind kind of cold, no, this was a cold that pierced straight into your heart.

"Child," a deep voice called out to me, "You will never save them. You are weak."

I held my body to try and warm up, but I kept on shivering violently, "Who are you?" I asked.

Suddenly, a red pair of eyes stared at me with a sinister smile.

"I am the one who will take you into the pits of darkness."

The smile turned even more sinister, as the stars in my sky vanished. The mouth opened and came rushing towards.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as I closed my eyes in fear.

Dream end======

My eyes shot open as I woke from my nightmare. I slowly sat up and covered my head with my hood.

I could feel the sweat drip down my face as my fear slowly melted away.

I sat straight on the bench, finally noticing the sleeping Koji next to me. I smiled and held onto my necklace, watching the sun rise higher into the sky.

A while later, I heard voices coming our way. I placed a hand on Koji's shoulder and quietly shook him awake.

"Koji," I said, "Koji wake up." His eyes slowly opened. He yawned as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"What's up?" He asked, and I told him that someone was coming.

We waited for a minute or two before seeing the heavy set boy, blonde girl and two small digimon walk up to a sign.

"Oh it says here that this is called Breezy Village." The white digimon said.

"Welcome tourists." Koji said, grabbing the small group's attention, "So this isn't it huh?"

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