Jerks and the Beanstalk

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Hello all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!!! I have come back from a week of crazy times and fun. Thanks for waiting and reading, we've made it past 2K reads!!!!!

Now to continue with my story. Let's get to it!!.

Story Start~~~~~~~~~

We screamed as we were kidnapped.

"Erela! Tommy!" Takuya and the others shouted from the ground.

I growled angrily at the two knights and looked up at Crusadamon, glaring furiously.

"Do what you want with me, but let the others go!" I shouted.

She looked down at me and laughed, "Now why would we do that when these children are important as well?"

I gasped confused at her words. I looked over at Tommy and the other children.

"Hang in there, guys. We'll get out of here soon." I said, trying to sound reassuring, but even I was scared.

I looked directly at Tommy, only to see him smiling as Hatsuharu told him to keep holding onto the net.

"Thanks, I've got a pretty good grip!" Tommy said before looking out into the distance.

"Woah, I've never seen a tree that big!" He exclaimed.

I looked forward and sure enough, something large was indeed growing in front of us. But it wasn't a tree.

"Woah, it's like Jack and the Beanstalk." Hatsuharu said astounded by the size of the beanstalk.

As we got closer to the beanstalk, Tommy noticed small dots near its base.

"Hey, are those buildings?" He asked. I looked down and saw the small dots grow larger as we came closer to the ground.

Tommy and the other kids screamed as Dynasmon and Crusadamon flew us down to the small buildings below.

When we landed, Dynasmon roughly threw the net containing the others onto the ground.

"Are you kids okay?" I asked, struggling to release myself from Crusadamon's grip.

Dynasmon sucked the net back into his hand and then reached out for me.

"Crusadamon, won't you allow me to relieve you of Galaxiamon?" He asked as if he was a gentleman.

"Why thank you, Dynasmon. She is a little heavy." She said handing me gently over to Dynasmon.

"What a rude thing to say!" I shouted, "I'll have you know that I'm the perfect weight for a girl my age!" I crossed my arms and sulked.

I was brought out of my sulk and turned back to the kids on the ground as they talked.

"That beanstalk looks familiar." Teppei said.

"Yeah, we must be in Beastalk village." Hatsuharu clarified.

Tommy looked over at the two, "Wait, you guys have been here before?" He asked.

Hatsuharu looked up and gasped at the state of the village.

I did the same as I saw digimon collapsed on the ground in pain and covered in many wounds.

"What's happened?" Hatsuharu asked running towards one of the fallen digimon.

"Those digimon are Mamemon, a small robot digimon in the shape of a ball. They are friendly if you stay on their good side. If you don't you'll get a good hit from their smiley ball attack."

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