Darkest Before Duskmon

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What's up all you nerds, weirdos, nuts, writers and fanfic lovers out there?!! Sorry I haven't updated lately, I had no internet for about a week.

But since then, I've had time to think about this story, and I have something in store for our little Star Lady.

Anyway..... Onto the chapter!

Story start!===

I stared at the dark digimom in front of us. His long hair was a pale blonde, his eyes a bleeding crimson, and his armor blacker than the darkest night.

I could feel his eyes piercing my very soul, but I stood my ground, surpressing the fear shaking my spirit.

"Who is this guy?" BurningGreymon asked.

The dark digimon laughed, "I am Duskmon," he said, "Legendary warrior of darkness."

"Well, that explains the outfit."

"Why are you here Duskmon?!" I shouted, floating in front of my friends.

He lifted his blood red sword and pointed it towards us.

"You have done well against my brethren, let's see how strong you are. Show me your power." Duskmon sliced his sword through the air, a bright red streak hurtling towards us in a dangerous crescent.

I reacted quickly, taking the star attached to my back and standing it in front of me.

The red crescent hit the star, but bounced off into the darkened sky. The others behind me jumped back to split up.

"Novamon are you alright?" Kendogarurumon asked. I nodded.

"All he did was swing his sword!" Korikakumon said amazed at the sheer force of the attack.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Zephermon said warily.

"Come one there's only of him! If we beat Grumblemon and Petaldramon, then laughing boy over there should be a piece of cake." BurningGreymon said, but I could feel something just rolling off of Duskmon like waves on the sand.

Something about this digimon warrior, wasn't right.

"Don't underestimate him guys," I said, "He's stronger than he looks!"

The dark warrior laughed in amusement, "Listen to the star warrior! The best thing for you is to leave Erela and run away!"

The others were shocked that this dark digimon knew my name. However, I wasn't as shocked, just a little scared.

He appeared in my dreams, which means he's important in this mission we've been given. But how he was apart of it, was the question.

"You're not getting Erela!" BurningGreymon shouted as they all charged their attacks at him.

Metalkabutarimon's attack caused the dirt on the ground to fly everywhere. Duskmon merely laughed as he dodged BurningGreymon's punch, before reappearing behind him.

The warrior of flame was then flipped by the smaller digimon warrior, but as quickly as he flipped him, he appeared in front of me.

I was scared, so much so that time felt like it slowed down as he spoke to me.

"Can you help me?" He asked, softly caressing my long hair. I was paralyzed, but it was not entirely caused by fear. There was a sense, a feeling coming off of him. It was.....

.....longing. A great yearning for something he doesn't have.

But what was it?

Time came back when Kendogarurumon tried to knock Duskmon away from me. Like the other times, Duskmon vanished.

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