Darkness Before the Dawn

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there?! If you haven't noticed, I didn't post a picture of Cosmosmon.

Please forgive me!! I couldn't exactly figure out her look, plus I was busy and didn't have much tine to draw her.

But aside from that, I hope you're ready for another chapter.

Story start~~~~~~~

I was running with Beowolfmon, trying to find Duskmon. But Beowolfmon was searching more closely than me. I was mostly focused on the boy inside of Duskmon.

Koichi Kimura. A boy lost in the darkness and needed help.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks, a sharp and continuous pain ringing through my temples.

I screamed and collapsed onto the ground. Immediately, Beowolfmon stopped and turned around.

"Erela!!" He shouted, kneeling beside me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, "What's wrong?!"

I could barely hear him as he yelled in my ears.

"My head," I said, "It hurts do much!"

I held my head tighter, hoping that the pain would go away. But it didn't go away, not even a little bit.

Then, the pain wasn't the only thing I was focused on.


My eyes filled with light, I looked around to see chairs in a large church sitting in front of a large organ.

Then, I looked in front of me to see...... Seraphimon! He was bound in chains and seemed to by pixelated as he hung in front of the organ.What was he doing there? Better yet, where was here?

"Release him now!" I heard someome yell angrily at someone else.

I looked down to see Agunimon and Mercurymon standing on the floor. Mercurymon smirked at the fire warrior.

"Alas," Mercurymon said, "Tis not really a him to release."

Bot Agunimon and I were confused.

"What do you mean?" Agunimon asked.

Mercurymon turned towards Agunimon and smirked once more.

"Tis only a shadow, a copy of his data," the steel warrior said, "But is thou insist, he may not be restrained for me to use it!"

The thorn like chains released the data copy. Mercurymon laughed as he merged with the Seraphimon's data.

A bright light shrouded the room as the data changed Mercurymon.

"No," I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand in shock and fear.

"This can't be..." Agunimon said.

"Oh but it is," the newly formed Mercurymon said, revealing a hybrid of him and Seraphimon.

"I am Shadow Seraphimon! Wish to fight me now pathetic whelp?" He asked.

The pain in my head returned twice as worse as they began to fight. Every time Agunimon screamed in pain the pain in my would increase.

It came to the point where Agunimon changed into BurningGreymon.

BurningGreymon shot his pyro barrage attack, but it wasnt enough.

Shadow Seraphimon flew up to BurningGreymon and cried out, "Shadow Starburst!!"

A bright light filled the room once again, and I cried in pain once again. BurningGreymon was thrown to the ground.

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