You Want Fries With That?

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What's up all you weirdos, nuts, writers and fanfic lovers out there?! I'm back to give more of my writing.

I'll admit it, I'm not the best writer..... BUT FREAKING CRAP 400 READS IN BARELY TWO MOBTHS?!!!!!!

Y'all must be generous because this is just crazy!!!

Enough of this craziness, let's get the chapter started shall we?

Story start~~~~~~~~


I saw the boy again, the one in the baseball cap.

"Who are you?" I asked, but the boy never answered.

Instead, he was covered in shadows and disappeared.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and was faced with the two black armored digimon.

"Will i ever know who you are?" He nodded along with the lion.

"This digimon is special," Galaxiamon and Ophanimon said behind me, "They shall be revealed when the shadows release their true spirit bearer."

I still didn't understand. Every night I've had this dream, and no answers came to mind.

Dream end=======

I woke up when the trailmon stopped.

When we exited the Trailmon, all we could see was the hamburger village, even though the village was covered in a sand storm.

We walked along the road, when a sob came to our ears.

We looked over and saw a Hamburgermon with little brown chicken like digimon flying around her as she cried.

"What's up with them?" Takuya asked.

Zoe and I walked up to them, "Excuse me are you alright?" Zoe asked sincerely.

The digimon woman looked up, and everyone could see the pain and sorrow in her eyes.

"Oh no dear," she said, "A giant digimon just raided our village. He said something about the three moons making him hungry, so my husband gave him a big plate of our best burgers."

"Now I'm hungry." Takuya muttered.

"He liked them so much that he took my husband away to cook for him in his mansion."

"Man that's really messed up." Koji said as he walked up next to me.

"Yeah how are we supposed to get our hamburgers now?!" JP exclaimed. I sighed, for this was no time to think with our stomachs.

"Tell me daddy's coming back mama?" One of the small baby digimon said, "Isn't he mama?" The rest chorused.

The mither Hamburgermon stood up and looked straight at Takuya.

"Please young man will you be able to help my husband?" She asked.

Takuya looked a little nervous, "I suppose, but I wouldn't know where to begin looking."

One of the children flew up to him, "The monster said he'll bring daddy back if we make a bigger burger."

"He means a better burger," the mom said, "but I'm afraid that's impossible, my husband makes the best burgers around."

"The monster says that we have to make the better burger before he moves three times." One of the babies said.

"No silly, he said before the three moons align." Another corrected.

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