The Man in the Moon is You

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!!!! I'm proud to say that this digimon fanfic has now surpassed the digimon princess story I wrote a while ago!

This is a great achievement and I thank all of you who helped make this story a success!

Let's get started.

Story Start~~~~~~~

It was so peaceful. Nothing moved, and I was surrounded in the warm embrace of the calm winds.

I wished that this feeling would never go away. But my wishes were not granted.

My sweet silence was shattered by a voice calling for me.

"Erela!" The voice shouted desperately.

"Erela, please wake up!" I groaned and mumbled incoherent words in my sleep.

With whatever strength I had, I forced my eyes open. When my vision was clear I saw a star filled sky above us.

"Erela!" The same voice shouted. I turned my head towards the voice and saw Koichi and Patamon looking at me with smiles of relief.

"Patamon? Koichi?" I asked weakly, I almost wanted to go back to sleep.

Koichi wiped his eyes, "Thank goodness you're awake. Bokomon, Neemon, Erela's awake!"

"Really?" Bokomon asked as the rwo digimon ran up towards us.

Koichi carefully sat me up, he held me up with one of his arms supporting my back.

"I hope you enjoyed naptime." Neemon said.

I smiled the best I could but noticed that no one else was around.

"Where are the others?" I asked afraid for their well-being.

"Out cold I'm afraid." Bokomon answered. He looked behind him our eyes following his gaze to see our friends out cold in the dirt.

"They've been like that for hours."

"They didn't even respond to my wakey wakey little flakey dance."

I gasped at the sight of my friends unconscious on the ground, but my gazr focused more on Koji.

"Koji! Everyone!" I shouted. With great effort I was barely able to push myself up to my knees. But I was too weak from the last battle to stand up.

Koichi wrapped my arm around his shoulder and supported me with his arm around my waist.

We walked, or my case limped, over to our friends. We both collapsed next to Koji.

I gently grabbed his limp hand, wishing that he would be okay.

"Oh, please be okay." Koichi begged.

"I'm sure he'll be just fine once he wakes up." Bokomon said reassuringly.

I smiled, knowing that Koji was strong and that he would be just fine like Bokomon said. I released his hand and looked down at my ring, remembering Koji's strength.

"What do we do now?" Patamon asked.

"We need to get these guys to a safe place." Koichi said lookimg at our surroundings.

I took a look as well, finally seeing the rough cliffs surrounding us.

"Where in the world are we anyway?" Koichi asked. The digimon didn't know the answer, but I had a hunch...

"Judging by the looks of those stars and the sky, not to mention ground we're stadning on... I'd say that we're far into the atmosphere." I said. Koichi looked at me shocked by my deduction.

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