Chapter 22

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Neil was delivering his class when aditiya phone rang.

Aditiya quickly took his phone out and put on silent.

Aditiya: sorry sir!

Neil : do you really Meant by saying sorry?

Aditiya nods.

Neil : then stop making mistake over again and again. Sorry meant to which Means not repeating but you loves distracting my class right.

Now Neil anger was losing control. Avni could see the anger but didn't say anything. Riya knew Neil burst anytime so she took his attention.

Riya : sir I need help!

Neil looks at Riya and give nod. He turns to aditiya.

Neil : out of my class and meet me in Principle cabin at break.

Aditiya: but sir!

Neil : leave Now!

Aditiya phone didn't rang once but rang more than five times. This time Neil couldn't control his anger and shouted at him.

Aditiya got scarred hearing Neil shout so did other student but Avni palmed her face.

Avni ( mind) here comes his anger mood. Why can't he control his anger. Shit his anger will be bad after the class. I have to do something.

she was thinking what he will do to control his anger. Aditiya left the class. Neil Look at other student who was scared hearing him shout. It rare for Neil to shout front of everyone.

Neil took deep breath.

Neil : you don't need to get worry!
I won't harm you all. You guys dismiss. Sahil will take you guys next class.

Neil leaves the class while avni looks at figure going. Avni quickly kept her book and ran behind him.

Leaving the class Neil was standing corner of the college and he punched his hand on the wall. Avni hurriedly came there and held his hand. She starts blowing air to his wounded hand. He looks With so much love. He missed all these past 11 years. This injury hand was nothing for him what he suffered doing his army job.

He must be bravest and strongest army but inside himself knows how Weak he is. He made himself strong to fight his country. His dream was to protect his country without being selfish. He was dedicated to his work.

Neil was staring Avni when she looks at him and gestured him "what" to which he nods back lowers his gaze.

Neil ( mind) how stupid I was to let you go. Avni you are the one can understand me in every situation. How could I be so dumb? Avni I want to do something special for us. Wait for the day when we both will be back as couple. I will give all the happiness which you always wanted and craved for.

Neil smiled seeing her care. His eye starts to brimmed with tears but he shoo them away. Avni gave last blow and looks at him.

Avni : is It paining too much.

Neil : no its not! How can pain when someone treats you with so much love?

Avni didn't understood what he meant because she was still worried about his hand and thinking how to reduce the pain as his hand was fully red.

Neil kept staring her.

Avni : you should visit the nurse. She will do your bandage.

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