Chapter 12 - Travelling Through The Memory Lane

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Hey friends. . I know I actually completed till fifteen chapters then when I read it myself it was kind of boring so that's why I'm improvising it abit..

I first thought of keeping the first kiss as a separate chapter but it kind of suited the situation. If you don't feel that way don't hesitate to let me know.

So for today's advice let's talk about love at first sight.

I wouldn't say love at first sight really exists because I personally feel that it is just that you like something in that person which makes you want to know more about them.

Love starts after you start understanding each other's needs and placing their wishes before yours.

Love can't be reasoned so if you ask someone why do you love me and if they have a reason then I do suggest you recheck your relationship.

Because friends liking a trait of yours is like a first date you can't think of marrying the guy just because it was good date.

None knows what future holds. Everyone changes and so does their traits. Sometime we live a life that our parents want us as a result hiding our true self.

For example your a strong independent women by heart and mind but you pretend to be submissive .

Then you find a cute guy who says he likes you alot. It doesn't mean he likes you . It just means that he likes the idea of who you are.

Many relationships end badly because they fail to share their personalities and keeps pretending to keep their love life floating.

But no one can pretend forever and when you suddenly start seeing the real person behind all those masks your relationship breaks.

So what I'm saying is you can't love someone in first sight maybe lust or maybe like but never love. True love is understanding and being honest.

Choose who you want in your life wisely and always follow your heart but also keep your mind open to accept their faults as much as you appreciate their achievements .

Okay guys hope it was useful for someone. Back to the story here comes the travel to their past as a newly formed couple.

Love you all




As soon as we became a couple Alex dragged me to his car . Apparently he has some surprise for me.

I was silently humming to the radio with my eyes closed during the whole ride and Alex would occasionally tease me or laugh when I imitate the male singer.

All through the journey Alex was holding my hand drawing small circles in the back of my hand with his thumb.

I had a goofy grin on my face as I felt the sparks coarse through me warming my heart with love for this amazing guy sitting next to me.

When I felt him park the car I opened my eyes to see our destination and started to tear up. This place is special for me. I didn't knew he remembered it.

It was an orphanage . I usually come here and take care of the kids during my free time. Sister Annette is a very kind women.

She devoted her whole life for this children. It had been the home for over five hundred kids.

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