Chapter 39

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Namjoon's P.O.V.
What? Ask her out? Taehyung?

I was still trying to grasp the situation after Taehyung had left. It left me shocked and speechless. Taehyung was an ok guy but something about this just didn't feel right.

Is it jealousy, perhaps? Yes it could be. But something different was making me uneasy. The vibe that I got from him when he said it was weird. I want to warn Y/N but what if I'm wrong.

Y/N's P.O.V.

As the end of the week approached, things were getting pretty hectic. You wanted nothing more than to sit down and die. So many things were on your mind. The one that wouldn't go away though, was the kiss.

Sure it was days ago, but you couldn't stop thinking about it. Thanks to the kiss, things were going to change. You and Namjoon had stepped over the just friends line and were now at a new standing point. It was hard to explain and understand but somehow, it made sense. That doesn't make sense though.

You shook your head and sighed. Work wasn't going to finish itself, so you needed to get a move on.

Yuna Sung's P.O.V

"Mother are you sure that Mr. Kim likes me? He seems rather distance when we talk and never wants to stay long with me." I sighed.

"I already told you that if you want Mr. Kim to love you, then you must work for it."

"I did work for it! I visited his office, made him food, and wore that dress you gave me! Nothing seems to work on the guy." I crossed my arms and stomped my feet.

"Yuna, darling... Men are not complicated creatues. They only want two things in life." Mother rolled her eyes.

"And what would that be?" I questioned.

"Money and sex."

I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip.

"No, Mr. Kim isn't like that. He's the only man I've seen that has refused to flirt or touch me in any way."

She looked up from her papers she was reading and took off her glasses. She sighed and muttered something under her breath.

"I have an idea... But it will require your help. Are you up for the task?"

"It depends. What would this task be?" I asked.

"Let's just say that it involves you getting closer to Mr. Kim and his personal life." She smirked.

🕗Two hours later 🕓

I was standing outside of a company building. The giant words "XPRESS" was a sign that I was in the right place. I walked inside and asked to be directed to Y/N's floor. The lady was hesitant of letting me in but that was easily solved when I whipped out a stack of cash. She's gonna get fired if she keeps that up.

I stepped into the elevator and rode up to her floor. It was a comfortable ride... Until other people stepped on. People pilled in and squished together. It was like a pack of sardines in here.

When I reached Y/N's floor, I emerged from the elevator and into to open office floor. Cubicles and small offices were scattered around the floor.

Not knowing where to find Y/N, I began to ask around. A man hurrying down the hall was my first try.

"Excuse me sir, but could you please point-"

"I don't got time lady!" He said while running down the hall. Papers were threatening to fall from his hands.


I began to walk towards some noise and hope that someone can help me. When I turn the corner, I see people running everywhere. They must have known I was coming.

I look around for a second and see if I can spot Y/N. Another person crosses my path and I reach out to them.

"Miss, can you help me-"

"Sorry, no time!" She says hurriedly.

Wow office people are super rude.

I sigh and brush some loose strands of hair from my face. This mission was not going well at all. Soon enough, I found a map of the floor and saw Y/N's name. I followed the path and finally found her. She was super focused on something but that could wait.

"You really don't know how hard it was to find you!" I whined. "I'm pretty sure that this was the longest I've ever done something on my own."

She looked up, surprised at my presence and confused.

"Miss Sung, I didn't know you were looking for me... But how did they let you in?" She asked.

"Money solves everything. Now, I need to talk to you, but I don't think this would be a good place. People here are on the fritz." I laugh.

"I'm actually busy at the moment. Maybe we could talk when I'm off work?"

Ughhhhhhhhh. I don't want to wait for her! But mother says this is important so I guess I'll have to.

"Fine. But where should we meet at?"

"How about a café down the street?"

I sigh and think for a bit. Then the best idea pops into my head.

"How about we meet at your place?" I say.

She looks stunned and doesn't answer for a couple of seconds.

"Isn't there somewhere else we could go? I don't want to bother-"

"Nonsense! I'm sure we won't bother anyone. In fact I've always wanted to see what Namjoon's mansion looked like. Your place it is then!"

I asked for her cell phone number and stuck it in my contacts.

"I'll text you when I'm home!" I say.

I leave her and begin walking towards the elevator. This was going to be wonderful news for mother!

Y/N's P.O.V.

Instead of going home, you went straight to Namjoon's office. You politely asked Hyun if he was still here, to which he responded with "yes".

You walked down the hall and opened the doors just to close them behind you.

"Namjoon, I might have accidentally made your life worse than you would like it to be."

He wasn't facing you, so you weren't sure what he looked like. When he did turn around, he looked scared but confused.

"And how did you do that?" He asked.

"I might have accidentally invited Miss Sung to the house..." You trail off.

He instantly turns to stone and doesn't do anything. A vibration in your pocket took your attention from him. When you pulled it out, there was a text from Miss Sung."

Unknown number: send me your address pls

Me: Miss Sung can't we meet somewhere else?

Miss Sung: nope

Me: [House Address]

Miss Sung: thx I'll be there soon!

You looked up at Namjoon and bit your lip.

"She's coming." You say.

"Let's go home and meet her then." He says with little to no emotion.

Hello there! If you haven't noticed, I changed the update schedule! Sorry...

I'm going to Summer camp on Monday so... No update for a week... I will put another chapter out on Sunday before I leave though.

Hope you all enjoy your day!


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