Chapter 11

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It is a long one.

The next morning had its pros and cons. One pro was that you didn't have to see Janice today. A con was that Everyone was working so you didn't have anyone to talk to. After you had eaten your breakfast you sat down and played the piano. It had almost nine years since you last played. Surprisingly though you remembered to play one song. It was your father's favorite song. The song brought back good and bad memories.


"Y/N, go play me the song." Your father yelled.

Without hesitating, you ran to the piano and started to play. Your hands were shaky because you haven't practiced at all. He's going to get mad if I mess up. Dear God, if you are real help me nail this. You placed your hands and started to play. This was it the hard part of the song. Your hands stumbled over the fast-paced notes and you froze.

"Turn around."

You couldn't move. Everything suddenly stopped. You wanted so badly to turn around but you couldn't.

"Y/N, turn around!" He yelled. The tears started coming. You could hear him crossing the rug to get to you. He grabbed your shoulders and turned you around.

"You little brat! Your mother and I paid lots of money for you to have lessons and this is how you repay us?!"

You could smell the alcohol in his breath. It was disgusting.

"You've been drinking again..."

"Shut up brat! That doesn't matter to you. You're such an ungrateful little disappointment."

He threw you to the floor. You landed on your hands and knees. He shoved you down with his foot and stomped upstairs. You got up and ran after him. You found him with a bag in his hand throwing your stuff in it.

"No stop it please!" You yelled. You tried to pry it out of his hands but he only shoved you again. Tears started pouring down your face. You knew this day would come but you didn't think it would be today. He managed to get all of your clothes in a bag and went back downstairs. You heard the sound of the door opening and closing before he came back. This time he grabbed your arms you dragged you downstairs. Of course, you wouldn't leave without a fight. You squirmed in his grip and tried to get him to let go.

"Let go of me!"

"Not until you're out of my house." He dragged you to the door and opened it. He picked you up and threw you outside.

"Please let me inside! I'll do anything you want! PLEASE!" you yelled.

"You aren't good enough to stay here."

People passing by didn't give the scene a second glance. Growing up where you live, people found it normal for teens to get kicked out of their homes. He closed the door and left you alone. This was it. What do I do now? I can't stay out here I'll freeze. You opened one of the bags and got out your coat. Sitting there crying wasn't going to find you warmth. Mom isn't home yet. Not that she would care if I was gone. I really need to go somewhere. You pull out your phone and call a friend.


"Hey Annie, it's me." You whisper

"Oh Hey, did you need something?"

"Can I stay at your house tonight?"

"Yeah, sure. Are your parents ok with that?" She asked

"I'll explain when I get there. Is your mom home too?"

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