Chapter 13

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Annie was looking at you like you just said you killed someone.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry, I guess it just slipped my mind. What's so wrong about it anyways?" You ask.

"It's just that... I can get pretty weird when it comes to being around guys. I get really nervous and act a little crazy."

"It's ok, these guys are cool. There's no need to be nervous around them."

"If you say so." Annie walked back to where we had left Namjoon. He had his hands in his pockets looking around awkwardly. Damn, he's flawle- Faultless. Yeah totally meant to say that. Namjoon turned around and smiled. Annie disappeared somewhere in the house.

"So... I was wondering if you needed help with packing or anything?"

"Not really. I just have a few more things that I need to pack." You say.

"Alright, if you want, I can just take some of your stuff to the house so it will be ready for you when you get there."

"Sure, sounds great."

You bring the bags down from your bedroom and leave them by the door. He loaded your bags in his car which was almost full by the time he was done. You went outside to check on him.

"Whoa, you got lots of clothes."

"You can never have too many clothes."

"Is that all?" He asked

"Yep, I'll be around tomorrow maybe 12:30?"

"Yeah, sounds good." He got in his car and drove away. You went back inside to pack the rest of your stuff. I should find Annie too. I can get her to help me pack.


"Why do you have to have so many clothes?!?!" Whined Annie. She tossed the piece of clothing to the other side of the room. She sighed and leaned on the bags sitting on the floor.

"I like to have options."

"Anyways, how many people are living there?"

"I'm not for sure. I only know two other guys who live there."

"Wait there's more than three?" She asked looking anxious.

"Yeah, seven in total."

"That's a lot."

"It's a big house so you probably won't see them very much. They all pay the rent so I'm not surprised they can afford the place." You say.

"How long are we staying with them?"

"Just till I find a new place."

"I wonder how long that's going to be."

You finished packing and jumped on your bed. Annie got up from off the floor and laid beside you.

"So, what do you think about this?" She asked while staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm just thankful that Namjoon is letting us stay with him for now."

"You like him."

"W-what?! W-where did that come from?" You sat up and looked away as a blush started to form on your face. Annie noticed and sat up to get a better look.

"I was just joking but now that it's confirmed..." She trailed off while smiling.

"You didn't confirm anything. Plus, he's just a friend and I would never think of him like that."

"Seriously? Are you just scared that Namjoon would be a second Jay Park?" She asked.

You thought back to your previous boyfriend. Namjoon wasn't like Jay. Namjoon was sweet, smart, and a cute awkward. Not that Jay wasn't nice or anything. They just seemed different from each other.

"No. I just don't have time for a relationship right now."

"Mhmm, stop lying. Also, everyone uses that line"

"I'm being serious." You hit her arm for not believing you.

"It's ok I won't tell him."

"I don't like him! He is just my FRIEND."

"Ok calm down, jeez. You can't take my shipping rights away from me though." She laughs.

"That's weird. Please don't tell me you are going to ship us."

"Yes, I am. This ship will sail and I'm the captain!"

You sigh and let her ramble on about her new ship.


This one is kind of a filler.

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