Chapter 5

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He slowly inched closer to your face. You watched as his eyes switched back and forth from your lips to your eyes. He stopped and held eye contact with you.

"Ha! You blinked, I win!" He stares at you confused by your sudden statement. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I should probably go back inside."

You walk quickly walk away to find something to cool you down. Your body's on fire and you were starting to break a sweat. Inside you tried to find Jimin but he couldn't be found anywhere. Damn it, where did that boy go? Jungkook caught sight of you and got up as fast as he could."Hey, do you want to play a game with us?"

"Yeah, sure."

🕑 3 hours later 🕑

After some drinks and stupid games you decided that it was time to hear out."It's getting late, I-We should get going." I say while looking for Jimin. It had been forever since I've seen him. Jin looks at the others then slightly turns red."Oh um, Jimin said that he was going to stay here for the night..." I guess he's finally getting some. "Alright, should I come pick him up tomorrow morning?"

"Y-yeah, sure." He slowly turns back to his normal self but with a bit of a stutter.

"Careful, Jimin can be a bit loud in the night." You notice how Jin freezes and a smile comes to you lips. He seemed surprised but nodded his head. "I'll make sure to cover my ears."

You laugh while grabbing your keys and heading out the door. "Y/N, wait."

Jungkook runs up to you and hands you his phone. "Can I have your number?"

"Yeah, sure." You type in your number and say goodbye to him. You walk out to your car into the chilly night, but before leaving Namjoon runs up to you. "Y/N do you want me to drive you home?"

It was nice he was offering, but you were pretty sure that it would only be a really awkward car ride. The last thing I want is to say something stupid to him. "No, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though."

He smiles, which makes his dimples pop, and then says goodnight. You wait for him to walk back inside the house before leaving.

It felt like hours before you finally got home, but it was worth it when you striped from your clothes to your pajamas and got into bed. It was such a long day today. Thank God it's my day off tomorrow. Plus I think I'm gonna have a small hangover.

It had been thirty-one minutes since you had got in bed. There was one thought that was keeping you awake. Why did Namjoon try to kiss me?

Namjoon's P.O.V.

Do you know what the worst feeling is? It's not when you failed a test, or when you dropped your phone. It's when you do something and even if you forget, someone else doesn't. You can't do anything about and you just live like that. Every time you see that person the moment pops into your head.

And that's what I'm going through right now. It feels like hell. I was lying on the couch screaming into the pillows when Jungkook saw me. He lifted a pillow off my head and stared at me for a second. "And what are you crying about?"

I looked up in despair and told him what I had attempted to do. He only laughed at me and walked away. Jin came in the living room and sat on the couch with a motherly look. He pulled the pillows away from me and softly said," if you don't tell me what happened I will rip your head off."

I didn't feel like losing my sexy brain and decided to tell him. A confused but interesting look was placed on his face as he asked questions." What? I thought you were just friends? Did she try to move away?"

I answered all of his questions then went to my room. I just couldn't get my mind to calm down. It was the last the question that stuck with me though. Wait... She didn't move away when I leaned in. Did she want me to kiss her? No, if she did she wouldn't have outburst like that. Would she?


Wow I finally updated. I'm so sorry for the wait. I got grounded and then snuck wrote this.


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