Chapter 44

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Jungkook's P. O. V.

A loud thump came from Y/N's room. Worried that she had hurt herself, I ran upstairs.

"Y/N, are you ok in there?"

Dead silence. (A/N: lol get it... Sorry, I got dark humor 😂😂)

Annie had came running behind me. Her eyes held worry in them. I banged on the door and spoke louder this time.

"Y/N! Are you okay in there?!"

There was still no answer. Annie pushed me to the side and tried the door handle. To my surprise it opened up right away... And to my horror there laid Y/N. Warm blood trickling out of her body.

Namjoon's P. O. V.

Hyun was patching up my cuts and bruises. Jungkook was stronger than I had expected him to be. I let out a hiss as he rubbed something on my cut.

"Stay still. It won't get better until I treat it. Tsk tsk tsk, shame on you to get into a fight. I guess you did deserve it though. I told you to not get involved with Mrs. Sung but you didn't listen. "

The look on her face. I caused that look. Even after I made her a promise...

"I mean what was she even thinking? What were you thinking? I might be younger but even I know that's not right!" Hyun sighed.

I'm a monster. She probably hates me now. I'm no better than Jay. If only I wasn't so stupid.

"Then again that's what rich families are like. There's no changing them. You can take the money-"

"Hyun cancel all my appointments for this week and next week. Say something came up and I need to tend to it."

Hyun blinked and nodded. After collecting the first aid kit, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

"What was I even thinking?!" I yelled.

I placed my hands behind my head and pulled on my hair. A small yell came from my mouth. I sighed and went to sit at my desk.

A buzz came from my phone. It was Jimin...? He doesn't usually call me.

"Hello? Jimin? Is something wrong?" I say into the phone.

"Quick! Y/N is being took to the hospital! She's bleeding to death!" He cried.

I hung up that instant. Without warning I ran through the lobby and caught Hyun by surprise.

"Namjoon! Where are you-"

"Now isn't the time! I NEED TO GET TO Y/N!" I yelled.

He looked worried but let me go. I got in the car. I was about to leave when I remembered that I don't know which hospital she's at. Damnit, I shouldn't have hung up so fast.

I pulled out my phone once again and dialed Jimin's number. "Jimin, which hospital?"

"The same one as last time." He said breathlessly.

I hung up as soon as I got the information I needed. Without a second thought, I pulled out of the parking lot and sped as fast as I could to get to Y/N.

This is all my fault...

Jay's P. O. V.

The hospital halls were quiet and still. It was as if it was abandoned. The only thing that reassured me that it wasn't was the sound of nurses talking in the other room. I leaned my head back against the hallway wall and sighed. How many more times will I have to sit here and wait for something new?

My ears pricked at the new sound coming from the other hall. It was a group of doctors running to the ER. My curiosity got the best of me and led me to watch the scene play out. I noticed that the ambulance wasn't here yet but doctors were preparing. That usually means it's pretty bad.

I leaned against the wall and watched the doctors a bit more. I was just about to zone out when something brought me back to reality. The ambulance had just pulled in and they were bringing the person in on a carrier. They pushed the person as fast as they could to get to the ER. But it wasn't fast enough for me to not see who it was. A cold feeling struck me and I let out a chilling breath.

Y/N was laying there with blood covering her body. It was hard to tell if she was dead or not but I could only hope. I had thought about trying to get to her but I know it was no use. I've been on this situation too many times to know that only doctors were permitted past those doors.

With a heavy heart, I sat down and hoped for the best.

Jungkook's P. O. V.

I supposed to be riding with the Y/N in the ambulance but Annie wanted to come with us. There wasn't enough room in the back of the ambulance so I had to drive there. Of course, we tried to get there fast but we were eventually caught by traffic.

I glanced to the side and saw Annie playing with her fingers. Her lip caught between her teeth and tears threatening to spill over the edge. I wanted to comfort her but I knew anything I said could be a lie. So instead of lying; I stayed quiet.

Soon enough we arrived at the hospital. I didn't bother locking the car as we made our way inside. We rushed to the front desk and asked about Y/N.

"Oh, yes... Her boyfriend is currently with her in room 14. Are you family or her guardian?" The lady asked.

"Guardians. Can we go see her?"


We ran down the hall she had pointed us to and looked for her room. When we got inside, Jay was laying over the bed holding Y/N's hand with his face hid in his arm. I stepped in and put a hand on his shoulder.

"How is she?"

"She lost tons of blood. They said it was a miracle that she wasn't dead by the time she got here. There is still a chance of her dying though."

Not what I wanted to hear Jay...

"Does anyone know how it happened?" I asked slowly. I was scared of the answer but I needed to know.

"An attempted suicide." He whispered.

HAHA! DOUBLE UPDATE! I bet you didn't see that coming either! Heh, master of surprise ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Anywho... Hope you enjoyed your chapter!

LOVE YOU ALL (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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