Chapter 9

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The next morning you had a terrible headache. Your head was throbbing, and everything was spinning. Black circles dotted your vision, and you couldn't focus on anything. I can't see. This lasted for three more minutes before your vision was back to normal. The morning moved on slowly. At times Dr. Jeu would drop in, and ask you questions on how you were feeling.

"How are you feeling today?"


"Have you had any headaches lately."

"Just one. It was earlier to today." You sighed and leaned your head on your pillow.

"What did it feel like?"

"I lost my vision for a few moments, and the room was spinning. The pain was bearable but it only lasted for about three minutes."

"Ok then." He finished writing everything, and left the room.

Once again you were left alone.


"You have a visitor. He claims to be a Park Jimin, should I let him in?"

"Yes please."

The nurse left, leaving you to wait for your friend. The door opened and in came an exhausted looking boy.

"How are you feeling? What happened? How did it happen? Are you ok? Do you want me to get you something? I can- "

"Jimin!" you cut him off forcing him to be quiet.

"I'm fine. Its just a mild concussion and Dr. Jeu said I should be out in two days." He nodded and grabbed a chair so he could sit beside you.

"I tried to come yesterday but Janice wouldn't let me leave, and when I did come they said visiting hours were over," He looked down in shame before continuing," I'm sorry I couldn't be with you."

You grabbed his hand and placed it under yours. He looked up and gave a small smile. You noticed a small tear roll down his cheek

"Jimin, please don't cry. I promise I'm fine."

"I'm sorry I can't help it."

Jimin laid his head on your lap and you brushed your fingers through his silky hair. He finally calmed down after a while and sat up.

"I bet I look ugly as hell right now."

"You look better than me. I don't think I have that many fashion points considering what I'm wearing."

He laughed and looked at your dull gown. "Yeah, I don't think you'll be wining a beauty pageant any time soon."

"Um excuse you. I would win because I look good." You laughed at your own comment.

The conversation carried on quite well. The both of you ended up playing Go Fish with some cards that Jimin had brought with him. You were winning by three games but Jimin wouldn't admit that he lost.

"Hey that's no fair!" Jimin threw down all his cards in a huff.

"All I did was win... Is that a crime?"

"I mean you didn't even give me a chance to win."

"Fine, I'll try to let you win this time."


Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in followed by Namjoon. He was carrying a bag and looked surprised to see Jimin beside you. Jimin looked at you then back at Namjoon. The nurse left the room and closed the door. Jimin stood up and turned to you.

"I should probably get going now."

"I thought you wanted a rematch?" You asked.

"No, I'll accept my defeat to you."

Jimin walked past Namjoon while slightly bowing. He closed the door which left you and Namjoon in the room. Namjoon took Jimin's place and took a seat beside you.

"What was he doing here?" he asked

"Just checking on me."


"What?" You looked at him skeptically

I don't trust him."

"Joon he's perfectly safe. Why would I hang out with him if he wasn't?"

"I don't know. He just seems like a bad influence."

"You don't have to treat me like a kid. Plus, you're not a good influence." You huffed.


"I had to carry you home when you were drunk off your ass."

"Ok, Fine. I'll give you that. I just don't want anything else bad to happen to you."

You smiled at his words. Always acting like a dad. A knock was heard at the door and Dr. Jeu walked in.

"Hello. I have the test results."

"Are they good or bad?" You asked

"All you have is a mild concussion. You should be fine to go home. Although you may have some difficulty moving considering you hit your head." You nodded and Dr. Jeu left the room.

"Good thing I brought you some extra clothes."

"How did you get inside my house?"

"I stole a spare key."

"Ok now I'm scared."

"You should be." He answered with a smile.

At first you tried to get up on your own, but that didn't work out too well. You asked namjoon to help you get up this time.

"Um... Put your arm around my waist." You said while sitting up. He managed to get you out of the bed.

"Can you walk on your own?"

"I don't know. I'll try to get to the bathroom on my own."

You took a couple steps forward before almost falling. If Namjoon wasn't there you'd end up staying at the hospital longer. He held you by the waist and led you to the bathroom.

"I'll leave you to change."

"Alright then." You took the clothes he got you and closed the door. He had got you your favorite outfit. Slipping on the jeans was easy, but you couldn't find the sweater. You put on your black tank top and leaned on the opened door. Namjoon was leaning against the bed looking at his phone.

"He Joon where's the- "The door swung and threw you forward. Namjoon's reflexes kicked in and he caught you in his arms. His hands were cold on your warm skin and it felt like it was getting hotter every second. Once again you very close to his face, and once again you wanted to escape. You blushed and moved away.

"Oh sorry... I was... erm... uh," You stuttered," I j-just wanted to... um... ask where my sweatshirt was."

"Yeah, it's right here. Let me go get it for you." He answered calmly like nothing had happened. He walked over to the counter and gave it to you.

"Need help?"

"N-no." You were a bit flustered from what had happened only seconds earlier.

"Alright then. I'll go get a wheelchair for you." He said while leaving.

Oh my gosh. The heck is wrong with me? I can't even believe that happened. Ughh, my face is probably so red right now. How did he just brush it off like nothing happened? Dang, it kind of reminded me of a cliché movie scene. Namjoon entered the room again and wheeled in a wheelchair.

"Ready to go?' He asked

"Yep, let's go."


Sorry it took me so long. I try to update faster next time.


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