Chapter 52

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

~Earlier that day~

"Namjoon, do you want to come with me to go get Jungkook and Y/N?" Annie asked.

"Wish I could but I have something to do. Besides, I don't think Jungkook wants to talk to me right now." I said while running a hand through my hair.

"Oh, okay. Well good luck with your thing. I'll be back later."

"Yeah, I'm going to need it." I mumbled.

She walked out the door and left me alone. Today I was going to do what I should have done in the beginning. Am I really going to call myself a man if I can't stand up to an old lady? The answer is no. I'm sick and tired of Mrs. Sung's games.

I grabbed my car keys and left the house. Mrs. Sung needs to learn that I won't be her little puppet any longer. She's ruined my relationships with my friends and that's where she crossed the line.

I sped all the way to her house and banged on the door. A startled maid answered the door. I pushed past her and went straight to Mrs. Sung's office. Unfortunately, no one was in there. The same maid that let me in told me that the whole Sung family was in the living room having tea.

I strutted to the door and made a grand entrance. When I pushed the doors open they banged against the walls. Mrs. Sung was so shocked that she almost spilt her tea. Yuna on the other hand was thrilled that I was here. Mr. Sung was also surprised because for one, he had never seen me so enraged. Taehyung was also here which I found weird.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here? Actually, that doesn't matter right now."

"Mr. Kim what is ever the matter?" Asked Mr. Sung.

"I'm sure whatever the problem is, I can handle it." Mrs. Sung said nervously. (A/N: Oh honey, he's bout to expose your ass 😂)

"Well, Mr. Sung since you asked so nicely, I suppose I should tell you."

Yuna set her tea down and swallowed hard. Just as I was about to say something, Mrs. Sung stood up.

"Mr. Kim, clearly you seem very distressed about something. Let's handle this rationaly. I think you should take some time and think about what you're going to say." She said warningly.

"Yes! Would you like some tea, Joonie? I can make some for you!" Yuna butted in.

Mr. Sung seemed to get suspicious of them. "No... Let him speak. Obviously, this is an important matter, Mr. Kim?"

This was it. Time to get out of this once and for all. I took a deep breath and let it all out.

"Mrs. Sung has been threatening me and harassing me. She claims that if I don't date your daughter, she will do everything to make my life a living hell. With all due respect, your daughter is a nice person but she isn't the reason I agreed to "date" her. I was forced to do so. On one occasion, she even tried to pay me to do it. She handed me a package of money and later said that I stole some of it. I did not though. That is the reason I am here."

"I did nothing of the sort!" Mrs. Sung yelled. "Clearly, he is lying! How dare he acusse me of those things!"

"Mother, please! You know very well you did everything he said." Taehyung spoke up. He was silently watching everything go down until now.

"Wait, mother?" I asked confused.

"Taehyung! How dare you! I would never do such retched things! Darling, what do you think?" She said, look hopefully to her husband.

"Yes, retched indeed. But I know that Mr. Kim is a man true to his word. I've always suspected something weird about him dating Yuna. Yes, it all makes sense now. Now I know what happened to that money you said you borrowed. It wasn't for a new bag... It was for him."

Mrs. Sung was horrified by her husband's words. Yuna's mouth was clamped shut and the only noise in the room was Taehyung's slurping.

"Yuna... Did you know about this? You too Taehyung, how did you know?" He asked calmer than I expected.

"I- Yes... I did, daddy. I'm sorry." She said shamefully. Her head bowed and I could tell that she was on the verge of tears.

"As much as I am ashamed to admit it... Mother was forcing me to help her. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience I caused you, Joonie."

"I too am sorry, Mr. Kim. What my wife did was cruel and it surprised me that her heart was that black. I hope you accept my apologies. Let me give you some money for the trouble she caused." He said, pulling out his wallet.

"No, but thanks. I only came for my freedom and I have gained it. I should probably leave now. I have important plans."

He nodded and let me leave. Unfortunately, I didn't leave alone. Taehyung decided to tag along. The whole car ride he went on about how cool I was for exposing his mom. I asked him why he didn't tell me that his mom was Mrs. Sung and his excuse was "You didn't ask".

When we got back to my house, Taehyung asked about Y/N. I updated him on everything and he nodded. I was tired from what went down so the first thing that crossed my mind was sleep. That changed when I heard my name.


I stopped in my tracks and looked into the living room. Was I ready to face her yet? Last time I tried to explain it to her it didn't go like I wanted it to. Maybe it was because she had just woke up. Maybe I should wait to talk to her.

I simply waved and continued to go to me room. Hopefully, she didn't get the wrong idea. I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't ready yet. Or maybe I am and I'm overthinking this? I'm not sure...

I decided to call the person who could help me the most. I grabbed my phone and pushed his number.

"Hyung... could you come over? I'm going to need your help."


I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Anyway I hope you guys are having a good day. Sorry for any grammar errors.

As much as I don't want to say it... I still have to. The next chapter will be the last chapter 😭😭😭

Love you all! 💜

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