Chapter 20

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You were sitting on the couch with Hoseok and Jungkook. Poor Hoseok had gotten sick and had to take a couple of days off of work. Annie was hiding in her room and once again, Yoongi was nowhere to be found. Looked at Hoseok to see if he was in pain or in need of anything. Poor Hobi I hope he feels well soon. I dont think its that bad though.

"Hoseok, are you sure you dont want to go up to your room and rest?" You asked.

"No, I'm good. Besides, I don't want to be alone." He said Hoarsely.

"Ok then. If you need anything tell Jungkook and he'll come and get me. I'll be upstairs looking for a job."

"Wait you need a job? I know where you can get one." Hoseok said while trying not to cough.

"Really? Could you tell me? Wait no, write it down. I don't want you to speak anymore." You commanded him.

You handed him a sheet of paper and a pencil. He scribbled away until he was finished. After checking the paper, he handed it to you. It read:

I work at a company called XPRESS (A/N: I made this up on the spot) and my bosss assistant recently quit so now we have a job opening. I could help you get an interview.

"Wow! Thanks, Hobi!" 

He nods and pulls you in for a hug. You leave the room and run upstairs to find Annie. Without knocking you bust into her room and tell her the good news.

"Guess what just happened!"

"What?" She asked not alarmed by your entrance.

"Hoseok is helping me get a job!" You yell.

"Good. The sooner we leave here the better." She says sounding annoyed.

"Hey. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. Now if youre done, I would like to be alone."

You stop bouncing around and leave the room. Man, what's wrong with her. She's probably on edge with all the guys around. After a couple of minutes she should be fine.

You go back downstairs to the living room and sit with Jungkook and Hoseok. Jungkook was flipping through channels not interested in anything, while Hoseok was sleeping peacefully.

"Ugh, there's nothing good on." Jungkook sighed. He turned off the TV and moved his attention to you. He stared at you for a while before speaking.

"You know... We dont know much about each other, do we? Tell me about yourself."

"Oh, um ok. What do you want to know?" You asked surprised by his request.

"How did you meet Namjoon-Hyung?"

"We first met at our college. He was an Art major and I was a Business major. One day I was running late for class and he accidentally bumped into me. My stuff fell to the ground and he was nice enough to help me pick them up. He handed me my books and ran off. While I was sitting in class, I opened one of my books and saw a note that said meet me at the local coffee shop. So, I met him there and after that we became friends." You explained.

"Ha, I bet he was too scared to talk to you." Jungkook laughed.

A ring came from Jungkooks pocket and he took out his phone and answered it. After he was finished talking, he said he had to leave but that you could finish your story later. He took his leave and left you with Hoseok. Those good old college days well, some of them. I just wish I wasnt so stupid back then.


Aw shit. Im going to be late for class if I dont leave now. Curse this good deal on food. You quickly grabbed your treasures and paid the cashier. Left and right you dodged people trying not to lose your stuff or bump into them. Several times you had almost dropped your stuff but you were determined not to do it again. I can see the building just strai- You slammed nose first into something rock solid and dropped everything to the ground. You staggered back and covered your nose with both hands while checking to see if there was any blood. After checking your hands and discovering no blood, you took a good look at this fellow. He was wearing glasses and had a sweatshirt on and looked like he was a nerd. You made me drop my cookies Fight me, bitch. He bent down and started picking up your books. You got down as well and started gathering your stuff. You both stood up and he handed you your books. You looked down to see if you had gotten everything and when you looked up again, he was gone. Oh well. Looks like Ill have to get new cookies though. You look at your watch and realized that you were two minutes late. Forget the cookies I got to get to class. You continued your run to the classroom and quietly entered the room. Luckily there was a back door so you saved yourself the embarrassment.

"Ok everyone, turn to page 108 in your books." The teacher announced.

"You opened your book and, on that page, there just so happened to be a note from that cookie killer."

Meet me at the local coffee shop after classes are over.

You stared at the note then placed it in your pocket and focused on the lesson. Basically, the whole class was just a review and other stuff. After class, you grabbed you stuff and trailed back to your dorm. Your roommate wasn't there yet so you left a note saying you were going back and if you weren't home by midnight, she could call the cops. Anger was now rising up inside of you. You werent going to let this nerd get away with killing your cookies. Finally, you made it to the coffee shop and the first person you saw was your new victim. He was sitting near the back of the shop looking at his phone. You roughly pulled out your chair, placed your phone on the table, and sat down across from him. He looked up from his phone and set it on the table. You watched his every move waiting for him to say something.

"A cappuccino will be fine." He said while folding his hands on the table.

"Excuse me?" You asked in confusion. The hell? He doesn't expect me to buy him coffee, does he? Oh, this bitch better be ready to throw some hands.

"You're buying me coffee as an apology for bumping into me earlier. I'm telling you my order." He said more confidently.

"Woah, hold up sir. I clearly remember you being in my way plus you made me drop my cookies. It was YOU who bumped into me. "

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is that how it went? Well then, my apologies fair lady. I shouldnt have blamed a poor helpless little girl. A strong man like me should be buying you coffee."

"I am not a little girl! I can handle anything you can. In fact, what do you want again?" 

"A cappuccino." 

You stood up and went to the front counter. After you ordered the coffee you went back to the table. The nerd was watching you while smiling.

"See? I told you I could do it." You said triumphantly.

"Yeah, you did do it and I just got a free cappuccino too." He chuckled.

Only now had you realized your mistake. He had manipulated you to think you couldn't do it which made you determined to prove him wrong. You didnt know if your face was red from embarrassment or anger. Dammit, he's right. What an asshole though. Who would have thought a nerd would have tricked me? I should just leave. You stood up abruptly from your seat, grabbed your phone and walked towards the door. He watched you leave while taking a sip from his drink. As you were walking away you could see him wave out the window to you. You stomped back to your room and found your roommate reading a book on her bed. She noticed your mood and set her book down.


"Some asshole made me buy him coffee when clearly he was the one at fault and should have apologized to me! I mean, He killed my cookies! He should have apologized to me. Great, now I just realized that I shouldnt have left without making him apologize to me. I'm such an idiot." You finished your rant and flopped onto your bed.

"Hey, at least you'll never see him after we're done with college." She replied calmly.

"Yeah, true but then again the world is full of people like him."

*End of Flashback*

Never see him again She was so wrong. You smiled to yourself remembering the funny memory. Those were some good days. Namjoon looked like he was a nerd so you were surprised when you found that he used to be on the high jump team. Now that you thought about there was still some stuff that Namjoon hasn't told you yet. Although you weren't worried about that very much. You figured he would tell you when he wanted too. You yawned and got up off the couch to make dinner. Something had banged on the wall of your room and woke you up really late last night. Normally you would have investigated but you were so tired that you went back to sleep. It was probably just Joons headboard hitting my wall. He must move in his sleep. You brushed off the thought and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

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