Chapter 49

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Y/N's P. O. V.

When you opened your eyes again, you were in a hospital hallway. In front of you and Jeviel was a room. Voices could be here from the outside. He looked at you and inhaled deeply.

"When you walk inside this room, you will get your answers. You still want to go through with this?"

"Yes... More than anything."

He nodded and let go of your hand. You slowly began to advance towards the door but before you went in you closed your eyes. When you opened them you were in the room.

Laying on the bed was a woman. Beside her was a man. Other than the small pain in the woman's eyes, they looked happy and excited. Not only that but they were very very familiar. It was your mother and father.

"Jeviel... What day is it?" You asked looking back at him.

He was just outside the door but still in earshot.

"March 15."

"March 15…? That's not my birthday..."

You furrowed your eyebrows and bit your lower lip. If this child inside of her isn't me than it must be...

You inhaled sharply and spun around. "Jeviel... This is your date of birth... Isn't it? My parents are your parents. You're my older brother?"

"Yes the child inside your mother is me. That explains the last name."

"But how come I never saw you? Why didn't they ever say anything about you?" You asked.

He sighed and brushed some hair out of his eyes.

"My death ruined the both of our parents. Sadly, they took it out on you when you were born. Everything they had hoped for me was placed on you. When they realized that there was no way you could ever replace me... They considered you as good as dead."

"But... Mother wasn't as bad a father was." You whispered.

"Yes, I saw. Yes, she was heartbroken and disappointed, but she knew that she was still your mother. Sure she didn't always act like a mother, but she did everything she could to keep you alive."

"If she really wanted me alive then where was she when I got kicked out of the house? If she really cared why didn't she look for me?! She could care less if I had died!"

"I can tell you where... Better yet, I can show you."

He held his hand out to you again and pulled his lips into a line. "Of course, you can ask me to stop whenever you want me to."

You placed your hand on his and took a shaky breath. He wrapped his fingers around your hand and gave it a light squeeze.

There was a blur and flash of light. Soon enough, you and him were standing outside of a club. Snow was quietly falling to the ground. The music blasting past the barriers of a different world.

"A club? She was at a fucking club!? What are you trying to prove? This just shows that she doesn't care."

Jeviel didn't say anything. He pulled you to the door and dragged you in. Flashing lights and the smell of alcohol was all you could comprehend in the moment.

"Look over there." He said while pointing to your left.

In the corner of the club was a small bar. Behind the counter was a man and a woman. The woman was clearly your mother but the man looked familiar as well.

"Whose the guy standing next to her?"

"Her co-worker. He stopped by the house every once and a while to check on you and your mother. He knew how our father was. It was a "you ended up with the wrong guy but I still want to care and protect you" situation."

"Wait... So you're saying he knew her before I was born?" You asked.

"You don't know how our parents met, do you?"

"Clearly not." You said while rolling your eyes.

"Keep the attitude down, kid. They met here at the bar, hooked up for a night, and boom! Thought it was love and got married."

You looked back at your mother and watched her.

"So basically... She visits her constant reminder that she messed up her entire life... I didn't know that's why she was never home at night."

"That's correct."




I honestly don't know what to say other than thank you. This means so much to me... Wow (ノ*0*)ノ

Thanks to everyone who has read up to here. I really appreciate you!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good rest of your day!


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