Chapter 4

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Getting to Jimin's house wasn't hard. It was getting Jimin out of his house that was hard." Jimin, does it really take this long to pick a shirt?"

"Um, yeah. I have to look good too." He scoffed at you while finally putting a shirt on. You look at the time and sigh in frustration. Thanks a lot Jimin, now we are 20 minutes late. You look at him and he smiles at you. "There how do I look?"

"Like a guy who cares to much about his looks."

"Hey, you never know if there might be any hot guys."

"Whatever, let's just go."

You head downstairs with Jimin and go to your car. Jimin was gay and he didn't really say much about it around other people. Although when he was with you, it was like he was so bold about it.

"So, Namjoon invited me too?"

"Well... Kinda."

"What does that mean?"

"He didn't really invite you. I forced him to."

"You know, I would probably think Namjoon was attractive if it wasn't for him being so mean to me all the time." He took out his phone and started texting someone. Well at least I won't be alone.

*A few moments later*

You and Jimin walk up to the door and he rings the doorbell. The door opens and a tired looking guy appears. He looks at you and then smiles,"you must be Y/N."

"Yeah, and this is Jimin." Jimin smiles at him and Yoongi does the same. "Well, Namjoon is waiting for you." He steps aside and lets the both of you inside. He then leads you to a beautiful living room.

Jimin's mouth falls open and his eyes go wide. He looks at you and mouths," I need this guy as my sugar daddy." You roll your eyes and laugh at him. Your attention is now directed at the three boys in front of the couch talking." Namjoon, y/n is here."

He turns around and smiles. Everyone is now focused on you and Jimin. You don't like when people look at you especially guys. So it feels like they're shooting lasers at you with their eyes. Your body heats up and you and Jimin bow." Come and sit by me."

You take a seat next to Namjoon and Jimin sits next to you. Everyone goes back to what they were doing and you listen to the conversation. A boy with beautiful black hair, whose name is June, was now talking." I think Yugyeom wins."

You've already met most of Namjoon's friends so It wasn't new when Jungkook was being a sore loser. "um, no. My dance was obviously better."

Hoseok was scoffing at him and playfully hitting him,"Whoa, I'm the king of dance. I won."

Just then an unfamiliar voice speaks up. "All of you guys are terrible." You look at Namjoon and he understands the look," that's my friend Jackson, and beside him is mark."

You nod and then go back to listening. Suddenly a heartbroken Yugyeom speaks up," how dare you call my dancing terrible!"

Then Mark said," I liked Jungkook's dance the best." Yoongi, who was tired of all the yelling, came up with a plan to end the fighting. "Ok, how about we vote? Everyone will get a piece of paper and write who you think won." He grabs some paper and pencils to pass out. He excludes you and Jimin because you weren't there.

When everyone had voted he read the votes out loud. "Ok here are the votes, Jungkook got 2 votes, Yugyeom got three votes, and Hoseok got 1."

Yugyeom does a victory dance and laughs in Jungkook's face. "Ha, I told you I was a better dancer than you."

Jungkook looks furious while yelling," I WANT A REMATCH!" Namjoon tries to calm the boy down by saying that his dance was amazing. Sadly it didn't work. Again Yoongi was annoyed and solved the problem. " Fine, how about we do teams then?"

Jungkook jumps at the suggestion and nods his head. Yoongi, satisfied with the response, smiles and chooses the teams. "Ok, teams are: y/n and Jungkook, Me and Namjoon, Yugyeom and Hoseok, Jimin and Mark, Jackson and June, and Jin will Judge."

Everyone partners up and goes to different parts of the house to talk about their dance. When you first me Jungkook he tried flirting with you but Namjoon made him back off. So you were a little nervous on how this was going to go.

"I'm not a good dancer... But I can hold you while you dance." He smiled at you and your brain is telling you to walk away. "That sounded like a suggestion for ballet, so no. How about something easy?"

"Sure, only if it will help us win." You smile and nod your head. "Oh, it will."

After everyone was done they gathered back I'm the living room to preform." So, who would like to go first?" Yoongi asks while looking around. Jungkook raised his hand and Yoongi picked your team. He dragged you up to the front and did an introduction. "Today my beautiful assistant and I will be doing a very difficult dance." You look over at Namjoon and he seems annoyed. I guess he wanted to go first.

"Y/N will you start the music?" Jungkook motions towards the radio. You run over and push play then go back to your spot. Converse High plays and you both start doing the Macarena. Everyone laughed the whole preformence. The dance was finished and you sat down on the couch. That was the most exercise I had all month.

The other teams did their dances and it was time for Jin to judge. "After much thought, I have picked the winners." Jin paused for dramatic affect and everyone was waiting in anticipation. "The winners are..... Y/N and Jungkook."

Jungkook screams and runs to pick you up and lift you up off the couch. He spins you around and you laugh while almost falling. Namjoon watches in fear while saying," Jungkook, put her down."

Jungkook puts you down and runs over to Yugyeom and says," haha! Guess who won this time?"

You walk over to Jimin who was standing in the kitchen. "Hey, good job on winning."

"It was nothing."

"You want a drink?"

"Yeah, sounds nice." He hands you a cup and you drink it all in one go.

"You didn't even look at what it was."

"It was water." He smiles at you pats your head. You were feeling a bit hot so you went to the back door.

"If anyone wants you I'll tell them where you are." You nod your head and go outside. Ahh, it feels so nice out here. It was way too loud in there. The door opens and you turn around to see who it was. Namjoon stood next to and looked up." What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Nothing. What are you doing?"

"Taking a break from the party." He keeps his eyes on the stars. A breeze blows by and he scoots closer to you.


You turn around and he is inches from your face. You can feel his breath hitting your face. He slowly leans in.





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