Chapter 36

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

This isn't going to end well...

I was sitting on Mrs. Sung's couch sipping tea. It was the only thing that kept me from freaking out. Mr. Sung was sitting at a desk reading a newspaper. There were only two minutes left before Miss Su- Yuna would walk in. I don't know why I was nervous but I was. I guess its normal. Lies. you know that you don't want Y/N to find out even after you promised to be her mans. Shame on you, Kim Namjoon.

Stupid conscience. 

"Mr. Kim, are you ok? You look a little pale." Observed Mrs. Sung. "Would like something to drink?"

I fakely smiled and shook my head. "No, thank you. I'm just tired."

"Oh, did you not sleep well last night?" Asked Mr. Sung.

"No, I was taking care of something very important."

"How much more important could it be that you have to miss out on sleep?" Mrs. Sung raised a brow.


Mr. Sung noticed the rising tension and cleared his throat.

"Would you perhaps like to have something to eat then?" He offered kindly.

"No thank you, sir. I don't think I'm in the mood for food." I declined.

Mrs. Sung mumbled something under her breath.

"My goodness where is that child?!" She suddenly exclaimed.

As if on cue, Miss Sung made a grand entrance. The door shot open and she strutted in the room. She was wearing a tight little red dress and could most certainly be mistaken for a stripper.

"Did you call?" She asked.

I'm not sure if I had heard correctly but I'm almost certain that I heard a sigh from Mr. Sung. Unlike him, Mrs. Sung was completely unaffected be her actions.

"What took you so long, dear?"

"I'm sorry. I just had to look decent."

Mr. Sung rolled his eyes and shook his head. Decent, huh?

She sat down on the couch across from me and look at her parents expectantly.

"Did you want to tell me something?" She asked while fluttering her eyelashes.

"Mr. Kim has asked if you could date him."

Yuna stood up and her mouth hung open.

"You- Wait are you... Yes?"

I stood up and forced a smile.

"Uh... Yeah."

A pang of regret ran through my body. I winced at the feeling but stayed calm. Damn even my body knows this is wrong.

"How about we leave you two alone?" Mrs. Sung said smiling.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that!" I said while waving my hands around.

"Nonsense, you and Yuna should start bonding." Mrs. Sung said while pushing her husband out of the room.

"No no. Please, you don't have to go. Mr. Sung it's really no trouble at all!"

He looked confused but was still being dragged out. Mrs. Sung closed the door behind them. I slowly turned back towards Yuna and looked at where like the plauge.

"N-now, Miss Sung... Um let's take this slow... Ok?"

She smirked and tried to seduce me.

"Slow? I can go slow... But can you? I mean, I bet it would be hard for you to hold back. Is that what you're doing? Aww Mr. Kim, you're so nice." She giggled.

This was disgusting. It was like talking to my little sister. I moved towards a window and leaned against it.

"Miss Sung, may I remind you that you are still a minor. I am not going to try to do anything with you."

"Aww you're no fun." She pouted. "We don't have to tell anyone..."

Fuck this I'm out.

I turned around and opened the window behind me. I jumped up on the sill and looked at her.

"Sorry sunshine, but I'm not going to jail for being a sex offender." I said while smiling.

I jumped out and dashed for my car.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Ahh, where is he?

I was currently sitting in the hospital waiting room. I had no idea where he was or why he was late. I sighed and kicked my feet back and forth.

Footsteps running down the hall suddenly grabbed my attention. He came running towards me and was completely out of breath.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Ah, sorry I got caught up with something else. I got here as fast as I could though." He chuckled.

"Ok well, she's sleeping so I don't think we should go in right now."

"You're right. She hasn't gotten a lot sleep lately. Let's go grab something to eat, yeah?"


We headed down to the cafeteria and grabbed some instant noodles. When we had everything we needed, we sat down at a small table.

"So how's it going?"

"With what?"

"With Y/N you idiot."

He sighed and shoveled noodles into his mouth.

"I donf aunt oo alk bout it." He mumbled.


"I said I don't want to talk about it." He said more clearly.

"Come on, it's not that bad is it?"

"So cheating isn't bad?" He raised a brow.

"Well no... But she'll forgive you. Maybe."

"No, she hates me." He cried.

"Jay, listen to me. Y/N is a good girl and if you give her time then eventually she will forgive you." I reassured him.



He smiled and shoved more noodles into his mouth.

"Such a big mouth..."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."


Almost forgot it was Monday...

It's my little brothers birthday and he's not little anymore 😭

Anyways, here's your update!


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