t w e l v e

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hero's pov;
jo is asleep, she fell asleep after she ate her taco bell and then she was telling me about how she can't wait to have the baby. i am still in complete and utter shock that she is pregnant. i made a huge mistaken doing what i did. i am in love with no, she is my life. when she was gone - i was the worst i have been. my sister noticed that something was up.. but i never told her how i really felt. all she knew was that we had broken up. as close as i am to my sister, i didn't want her to know. seeing her everyday for four months, not being able to talk to me killed me. after four months, she came round. then i found out that she'd been hurting. that broke me. i love her so much and i cannot bare the thought of losing her. she is the peanut butter to my jelly. as cheesy as it sounds, i cannot survive without her.
i lean over to check the time ; 21:43 the clock reads. i accidentally elbow one of my books onto the floor and jo turns over, facing me.
"what're you doing?" she asks, her voice is sleepy and groggy. the australian accent just adds to it. she's always taking the mick out of my british accent, i do the same to her.
"sorry. just dropped a book" i reply
"uhh why'd you wake me uppp" she whines.
i am very sorry, it was a fucking accident.
"sorry" i repeat
"i cant go back to sleep" jo complains.
oh shit, she's annoyed at me already. this is the only thing i am good at - pissing her off.
this is the last thing i wanted to do, i'm such a fuck up.
"you hungry?" she asks, nuzzling her face into my chest.
she's not annoyed, that's a good thing. i don't want to hurt her in any way.
i nod my head, taking my phone off of charge. i'm going to order some pizza, her favourite pizza is pepperoni. i order her the pepperoni pizza, myself the chicken pizza - it's just pizza with a few peppers and chicken. i order some wedges and chicken strips to accompany the food. i also order a cookie dough, a large with an extra scoop of ice cream with extra chocolate drizzle. just how my babygirl likes it.
she still looks sleepy, her head is on my chest. she is staring at a wall - i wonder what she's thinking.
i still can't believe it, i'm going to be a dad. we have a scan in two days to check if the baby is growing and all.
jo starts giggling like a five year old, i'm not saying anything.
"i can hear your heartbeat" she says in a sweet voice
i smile at her cuteness, and i pull the blanket over her body. all i want is to keep her and the baby safe, she won't let me look after her. i know that she wants me, she has to want me. why won't jo let me look after her? all i want to do is keep her safe.

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