1- "Clean it. Now."

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👋👋👋👋 This is the first chapter and I'm proud of  it😎. Hope you enjoy 💝💖.


Hoseok groaned and frowned at the text message he'd received from his landlord, once again reminding him to pay his rent. He gripped his silver hair in class, unable to pay attention to the lecturing professor.

What was he going to do now? He'd been fired from his lame job as a waiter in a restaurant and at this point had nothing but a few dollars left for himself. He had to pay his school, he had to pay for food. He had to pay for rent. He had to pay the people he'd borrowed from. He had no one to turn to for help.

Hoseok had no parents, or at least, lived like he had none. His family had disowned him when after graduating from highschool, his parents had once caught him kissing a boy in his room and immediately assumed he was gay, when in reality he was just being curious and trying to explore his sexuality.

Well after that, it was the end of whatever relationship he shared with them and he was okay with it. He left home believing he would be able to fiend for himself. But things got difficult along the way as student loans increased and he got fired from more than one job.

"Fuck. What to do now?" he said to himself, rubbing his eyes in frustration until they reddened.
"I have two fucking days before I'm kicked out..." he groaned.

"You talking to me?" the guy sitting right in front of him in the amphitheater asked, turning to look at Hoseok.

The boy had beautiful brown hair and thick, yet well carved, brows.

"No." Hoseok said.

The boy furrowed his brows in wonder, realising Hoseok was probably talking to himself.

'Great. I got so many problems I speak to myself openly and now people are beginning to look at me.'

Hoseok thought, shaking his head when the guy faced front again.

Unable to focus at all and way too preoccupied, he grabbed his backpack, stood and stormed out of class.

'I'm dropping out. I won't be able to pay for school anymore. This is where it ends for me.'

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