Chapter 22: Auld Acquaintances

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The Watchtower
December 30, 23:45 EST

"Override: Batman 0-2, Recognised: Access granted: Vandal Savage A0-4."

From the zeta-tube, a man in a deep blue coat entered, his face covered in scars and a smug look.

Roy's cloudy look disappeared, and he seemed to wake up "I-I was the mole?"

"Yes" Savage confirmed. He stepped over to a large window overlooking the Earth "Yes, you were."

Not giving him a chance to act, Kara jumped up from her position, and grabbed Roy by his upper arm. Savage spun around in shock at the noise.

The blonde threw Roy at the zeta-tubes, and typed in a destination

"Recognised: Red Arrow 2-1, Supergirl 2-2"

Washington, D.C
December 30, 23:48 EST

"Supergirl?" Roy tentatively asked.

"Yeah. I'll spare you the need to ask, but my suit is made from Krypton Bio-tech" she told him.

"Then, how come you were acting like that?"

"I'm no stranger to mind control" she explained "once you placed the Starro tech on me, I knew they thought I would be under control, so I played along."

They both began to run, knowing Savage was going to send other Leaguers to follow them. Kara suddenly stopped Roy.

"Know anywhere we can hide out? At least for now?" She asks him.

"Yeah, I've got a supply cache set up nearby"

They made their way to his hideout, having a close encounter with Green Arrow, Flash and Aquaman that left Roy without a bow.

Once in the safe house Kara walked into the bathroom. She turned on the faucet; splashing water onto her face. Just this morning she thought she was going to be apart of the Justice League and now they were in the pocket of Vandal Savage. Letting out a huff
she walked back out into the main room, where Roy was stocking his quiver with new trick arrows.

"Well, I think we should stay here for a while longer, at least until the League moves on."

"I guess" the girl nodded, she was then silent for a moment "should we try contacting the team?"

"No" he frowned "I imaging that if Savage got through to the League, then he's gotten to them as well" he peeked through a boarded up window "but if he hasn't, then he'll be working on it. We should wait, and figure out how to take them down.

So they sat, and waited for a while. They would take turns on leaving the safe-house to check out the city, see if there was any sign of the League out there.

A while had passed since the last guard shift, and when Kara came down to swap with Roy, he was sitting with his back up against a wall, glaring at door opposite.

"Roy? You okay?"

"I was the mole" he grunted.

She sighed, and sat down beside him "that doesn't matter."

"Yes it does" he growled "I betrayed the League, the Team, our friends" he closed his eyes behind the domino mask.

"No you didn't, Savage did, he just figured out how to manipulate you to do so" she placed a hand on his shoulder "however he did that doesn't matter, because we're still teammates, friends."

He was silent, and looked away in thought "I think Sportsmaster was my handler" he told her "during the Rhelasian peace conference, he used a phrase, 'Broken Arrow,' I think I was somehow hypnotised to completely shut down when he said it."

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