Chapter 14: Failsafe

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Mount Justice

October 16, 16:01 EDT

The team were gathered in the cave's main area, watching on as the Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart attempted to reason with the giant unidentified spacecraft looming over Earth. It happened in the blink of an eye, but some kind of laser fired out of the ship and disintegrated the Lanterns.

Batman, from his Bat-plane, deployed four of the League's heaviest hitters, Superman included, to stop the ship. They too were dissolved in the energy beam.

Finally, a scout ship flew out to face down the world's greatest detective, and wiped him out with similar ease.

A video connection to Zatara opened up "Tornado... did you-"

"Yes Zatara" Tornado interrupted "we saw. Celestial defences have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures."

"Affirmative. See you in the field" the mystic cut comms.

"I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs" Tornado said to the team "but should we fail, responsibility falls to you."

"We stand ready" Kaldur answered for them.

Soon after, they continued to watch as new reporter Iris West-Allen was wiped out by the aliens, along with Zatara and Flash.

In Taipei, the Hawks, Black Canary and Green Arrow had more luck, but were soon overwhelmed too.

The screens shifted to show the small town of Smallville, where a large ship, presumably the mother ship, landed in the heart of town. Wonder Woman held the invaders off for a time, but was destroyed too.

"Red Tornado to Cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League."

"RT!" Robin exclaimed, just as another scout vaporised the android. And in that moment, the Justice League was no more.

"We are Earth's heroes now," Aqualad stated.

"So what are we waiting for?" Superboy, or was it man now? asked "a theme song?"

"A strategy," Aqualad retorted "earth's weapons are ineffective, and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."

"Checking satellite imagery" Robin announced "here's where the aliens are now."

"This one get lost?" Superboy asked. The holographic display Robin pulled up showed a clear image of the north pole. Or rather, a large crystalline structure.

"The Fortress of Solitude" Supergirl narrowed her eyes and stepped forward "why are they at Superman's base?"

"Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?" Superboy asked her.

"Yeah. The high levels of power it radiates must have caught their attention, or at least that one's" she reasoned.

"Must be some fortress" Superboy frowned.

"Conner," Miss Martian gently grabbed his arm.

"No, it's okay. I guess there's a lot about Superman I'll never know" he glared at Kara. While she often tried to fill the void that Superman's neglect made, she was still reluctant to tell Connor many of the details of his template's life.

"We will target this lone ship," Aqualad decided.

"Yeah!" Kid Flash grinned "break it down! Build more! Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo!"

Artemis hit him with an elbow "Ow!"

"Martian and Kryptonians in the house" the girl glared.

Wally sheepishly smiled at the three non-humans "Uh... Heh. Not that all aliens are ugly automatically."

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