Chapter 7: Denial

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Mount Justice
August 19, 19:39 EDT

Most of the team, sans Robin, were gathered around the lit sparring area in the cave, as a shirtless Superboy and Aqualad sparred with each other. Wally was off to one side eating a microwavable burrito, and the girls were watching the fight with... interest. Supergirl, strangely, was casually, and loudly slurping out of a 'Big Gulp' soda.

"Kaldur's nice, don'tcha think?" Artemis, which was apparently her real name, said. "Handsome, commanding, you should totally ask him out" the archer continued, unperturbed.

"He's like a big brother to me" Miss M justified "but you know who would make the cutest couple."

"Wally and Arty?" Kara supplied, gesturing between the team's wit-based rivals.

"Yeah, your'e so full of passion and he's so full of..." Megan trailed off.

"Hot air?" "It?" The other girls offered, causing all the females to crack up laughing.

"How about Kara and Kaldur?" M'gann suggested.

"No, you two are not setting us up" Kara glared, as the others laughed some more

"Fail: Aqualad" the computer announced.

"Yeah S.B. you're improving!" Kara shouted out to her cousin, who smiled and nodded back at her.

The hatch above the sparring zone opened and Red Tornado flew down.

"Do you have a mission for us?" Wally stopped the android.

"Missions are the Batman's responsibility" he replied.

"Yeah well the Batman's with the Robin doing the Dynamic Duo thing in Gotham" Kid retorted "you'reheaded somewhere, right? a hot date or a, a mish-own?" He winked.

"If we can be of help" Kaldur said.

Tornado opened up a holographic image of an old man in a nice suit "this is Kent Nelson" he said "a friend, he is 106 years old."

"Guy doesn't look a day over 90" Wally remarked.

"And he has been missing, for 23 days" Tornado continued "Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society, the precursor to your mentor's Justice League" the image altered to show Nelson in full Dr. Fate garb.

"Of course, Nelson was Earth's sorcerer supreme" Aqualad told them "ah, yes, the famed Doctor Fate" Kara nodded.

"Pfft, more like Doctor Fake, guy knows a little advanced science and Dumbledores it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes" Kid whispered to Artemis.

"Kent may simply be on one of his... walkabouts. But he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, the source of the Doctor's mystic might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded" the android said.

"He is like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars, I would be honoured to help find him" Megan said, and Wally's hand shit up.

"Me too, so honoured, I can barely stand it, magic, rocks" he was lying through his teeth.

"Take this." Tornado held up a key "it is the key to the Tower of Fate" Kaldur took it.

"What are the chances we both so admire, the mystic arts?" Wally grinned at Miss M.

"Can I hit him?" Kara asked the Atlantean beside her.

August 19, 20:22 EDT

"So, Wally, when did you first realise your... honest affinity for sorcery?" Artemis asked.

"Well I, I don't like to brag but uh, before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered become a wizard myself" he 'informed'.

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