Chapter 16: Misplaced

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Mount Justice
November 5, 19:35 EDT

"Recognised: Supergirl B0-4"

Kara stepped further into the Cave. Artemis stood before her, looking slightly crestfallen at her presence.

"Not happy to see me?" she laughed at the other blonde.

"What? Oh, no. I was just expecting Zatanna, but, I mean-"

"Calm down, I get it" she held a hand up, I'll even wait here with you for her to arrive.

And she did, for a little over ten minutes, until the zeta tubes finally whirred to life, announcing the entrance of the young sorceress.

"Hey Artemis" she waved upon entering "oh, and Supergirl. Sorry I'm late, I had to practically beg my dad to let me visit"

Wordlessly, they walked over to the elevators down to the hangar, where the rest of the team were waiting.

"Did I miss anything?" Ever since Halloween, there had been noticeable changes. Once or twice, Zatanna had visited, and Artemis was acting ever closer to her than Robin.

"Not really, just some friendly bonding" Zatanna reassured.

"You know I don' t judge people on who they love, right?"

The girls sputtered at her words, and in a rush to end the conversation before it began, Artemis spoke several decibels louder.

"In any case-" the doors opened "-glad your back Zatanna" Artemis said as they left the elevator "does this mean your officially joining the team?" The two blondes looked to her questioningly.

Zatara cast a spell to lift some of the crates Batman had sent Miss Martian to pick up, and Red Tornado lifted the larger ones with his own powers.

"I don't know" Zatanna said "Zatara's so overprotective. I mean, just getting him to let me visit takes a whole days wheedling. I wish he'd just give me a little space."

"Well you know what humans say, be careful what-" Kara's comment was cut off when she, and the present Leaguers disappeared from the room.

"Dad!" The youngest girl cried. The others looked up and gasped at the sudden disappearance of the League and their teammate.

"Artemis, where is Kara!?" Aqualad demanded.

"I-I don't know! She was here and then..." They all ran to the main area to begin an investigation on what had happened.


"-You wish for..." Kara looked around and noticed both Artemis and Zatanna were gone, so was the whole team actually.

"Zatanna!" The nearby magician cried.

Kara ran to the Leaguers "Zatara, where is-"

Batman cut her off in a surprisingly down-to-earth tone "calm down Kara, we'll find them" he signalled for the remaining cave occupants to follow him.

He led the group to the main area of the cabe, and opened up the computer interface, where a long period of silence followed.

Missing persons reports flooded the space around them, and breaking news stories from all across the globe played on hologram interfaces all around.

"Well, what happened!?" The Kryptonian girl wasn't in the mood for Batman's impassive calmness.

"Reports indicate that all over the globe, anybody younger than the age of eighteen has vanished" he explained.

"What? How is that even possible!?" She turned to Zatara.

"Not even I know" he told her "this level of sorcery, if it is indeed such, is beyond my understanding."

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