Chapter 18: Image

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Mount Justice
November 17, 17:30 EST

"Duck" upon the instruction, Connor dropped down a bit, allowing his opponent's leg to swing gracefully over his head.

"Left" he threw his body to the left, expecting the next move to attack his right side. Suddenly, Robin's foot connected with Connor's gut. It didn't hurt him, not even slightly, but the hit caught him off guard, and the clone recoiled in surprise.

"No, his attack came from the left, focus!" Kara scolded from where she stood to the side.

"What's going on?" A voice asked as it entered the room.

Kara turned to greet Black Canary "the rest of the team are all out right now, so rather than sit around and wait for you to arrive, I decided to put Connor through some extra training."

"Really?" The woman's eyes widened "wow, I'm... I'm impressed" Canary smiled "well, continue."

Kara nodded and turned back the sparring boys. Under the appraising eye of Black Canary, she directed Connor through a series of attacks and moves. Some of which he grew frustrated at, but Kara remained notably patient with him.

"Okay boys, go take a break, you've done enough for now" the two panting boys nodded, and walked away to cool off, while Canary approached Kara once more.

"That was excellent, how you handled Connor."

"Yeah, well, there's no point in answering his anger with my own."

"That's a very... mature outlook" she didn't say anything else, but the Kryptonian suspected there was more to Canary's words than what was offered.

Mount Justice
November 22, 09:12 EST

Robin threw a punch at Kara's stomach when she wasn't focusing, connecting with a thud.

"Are you getting slow in your old age?" The boy mocked.

"No, just underestimating the little boy with a big ego" she smirked back.

She squatted and swept a leg where his feet stood. The boy jumped over her attack, and threw his own foot at her head. Kara tried to move, but only felt a boot impact her cheek.

"Okay" she said, standing back up "maybe I do need some more practise" they stepped back a couple of paces, and took up some combat poses.

"Recognised: Batman 0-2, Martian Manhunter 0-7."

The two League members entered the cave slightly rushed.

"Batman, Manhunter, what're you doing here?" Robin asked.

"I called them to discuss something of importance" Red Tornado's robotic voice answered from behind.

"Supergirl, Robin, we need you two to leave" Batman ordered.

Robin walked away reluctantly, but Kara stayed put.

"I said-" "I heard what you said" the blonde interrupted Batman "but this sounds important, and if it's important, and you're discussing it here, it concerns the team, and if it concerns the team, it concerns me."

Batman met her icy glare with his own, but grunted his permission.

"I called you here to discuss this surveillance footage recorded during one of Superboy's private training sessions a few days ago" Tornado loaded a video of Superboy and Black Canary sparring. It seemed normal, as Canary threw Connor onto his back, as was common during their training, but then it got weird.

Canary began talking to the boy with a very... flirtatious tone, before grabbing, and kissing him deeply.

Batman and Manhunter frowned, and Kara gasped audibly.

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