Chapter 5: Schooled

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August 3, 07:38 EDT

What had began as a seemingly normal day for the citizens of Metropolis, almost took a turn for the worst, when a two heavy support cables detached from a bridge, causing a massive pileup, where a school bus was left dangling precariously on the edge of the bridge, and the bridge itself almost collapsing.

The people were saved, however, when the bridge was lifted from underneath by Superman, who used his laser vision to seal the cracks in the concrete.

Superboy, not to be left out, began leaping along the support towers of the bridge, and landed onto the road itself, where the impact almost caused the bridge to break worse than it already was.

"I got it" a voice spoke, and Supergirl flew up to help her cousin in lifting the bridge back into place. They sealed it, and exited out from under to see Superboy struggling to pull a school bus back to safety, until the Man of Steel lifted it himself with ease, and placed it onto the bridge.

"I had that" Superboy scowled.

"Oh look at the time, gotta go!" Kara hated it when these moments took place, as she had long ago quit bothering to convince Kal to accept his clone.

As she flew away, she noticed Bruce Wayne looking out over the bridge, watching the events with an unusual amount of curiosity for a bystander.

Mount Justice
August 3, 12:15 EDT

"Recognised: Supergirl, B0-4"

Supergirl entered the cave and found all of her team, excluding Superboy, gathered around the t.v. It was showing footage of the three supers at the bridge, and they were all so engrossed in it, none of them noticed the blonde for a moment.

"Okay, don't all of you get up to greet me" the girl sarcastically remarked.

Instantly, all heads turned and Megan flew over pull her friend into a hug "Kara, how's things?" Asked Wally who got up to speak to her.

"Good, but they'd be better if Kal actually accepted his clone with love for once," she huffed and collapsed onto the couch.

"Why are you all here?" She suddenly noticed.

"Batman, Aquaman, and Flash told us to wait in the cave, we don't know why" Robin supplied "good thing you decided to come for some R & R, because it seems Big Supey didn't tell you" Wally commented.

"Probably too busy ignoring S.B." The blonde muttered "speaking of R & R, Wally, wanna get your butt beat at some holo-hockey?" She smirked, getting up off the couch again.

"You are so on" the two ran out and opened up the holographic hockey table, where the others gathered round and watched, or rather attempted to, as Kara and Wally used their combined super speed to play.

After several rounds, most of which were to fast to observe, the cave's zeta tube exit began whizzing "recognised: Superboy, B0-5"

Superboy stalked past the group with a scowl on his face "so S.B, how did it go?" Kara asked. He ignored her.

A voice cleared their throat from a nearby darker area "ready for training everyone?" It was Black Canary as she and Martian Manhunter entered the ops area.

"Black Canary. Uncle J'onn!" Megan walked forward and embraced her uncle.

"M'gann, I was... in the neighbourhood, so I thought i'd see how you were adjusting" he told her

"A few bumps, but, i'm learning" she made it a point to gestured at Kara, who had taken it upon herself to teach Megan how to act on Earth, despite her own inexperience with the planet.

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